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Cream Soap!


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I did it! Burnt the snot out of my stand mixer, but I did it!

Scented Pink Lemonade (don't know what came over me, but I did it..lol)

Colored with Brambleberry's Red Mica

Extras include Bentonite Clay, Panthenol, Aloe Extract in a base of IPM, and hydrolyzed liquid silk!

(play drumroll here...lol)


And the mess it made.. I flung soap all over the whole kitchen! There's some on the ceiling!

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So, how many hours did it take and how long did you have to leave it?

I made the sludge (for lack of a better word) and let it sit for almost 24 hours. Then made this. It's supposed to "rot" for a few weeks. If I can let it sit that long! It's not drying at all - but it's not moisutrizing either. Supposed to get better with age, so I'll put it to the test!

Thanks for the kind comments!

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So Bunny, are ya giving out samples, LOL! Seriously, that is one great looking batch. I bet it smells wonderful. THats just great, another thing now I gotta try, LOL! :D

If it comes out right at the end of the "rot", I'll put it in a swap! Sound ok?

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Looks Amazing!

Good Job!

Where In The Heck Did You Get Panthenol. I've Looked

Did You Make Your Own Recipe?

Looooove It

I got my panthenol at www.ingredientstodiefor.com! They have lots of extra goodies for everything!

And yes, this was totally my recipe. 100% mine baby! I'm so proud of this stuff!

Made me feel like a total newbie again - was as excited today and yesterday as when I made my first batch of CP! It's exciting!

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Well.. I guess so.. Since you're the one who made it all happen! LOL!

2 ounces Sweet Almond (11.76%)

6 ounces Coconut ( 35.29%)

5 ounces Stearic (29.41%)

2 ounces Rice Bran (11.76%)

2 ounces Castor (11.76%)

44% Firmness 33% Cleansing 47% Conditioning 48% Fluffiness 26% Stability

2.87 Glycerin

.53 oz NaOh

2.52 KOH

21.96 Water (used the water factor of 8 that was recommended)

.1 Sodium Lactate

Additives after it came together and before the "oven cook"

.4 Hydrolized Silk

.3 Panthenol

.3 Benonite Clay

Super Creamed with:

.14 Stearic

.21 Glycerin

In first water addition phase (today's whipping)

Added .5 oz Aloe Extract in an IPM base

4 oz water.

Next time, I'll start with a lower amount of water in the first place, and add more after the cook and with the first whipping.

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Hey Buns, what calc did you use for the oils? Just wondering if you set it for a pound to get the properties of is there a different calc we need to use for the cream soaps. I'm a member of Bekka's group but I still have a ton of stuff to research and learn. First, gotta get the Pot. Hydrox. so I can experiment. I'm better hands on than just reading.

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I used the one at www.soulgazersundries.com For this batch, I used a water factor of 8, but will bump that down to 5 for the next one. (You'll see what I mean once you get there).

Not many oils in the trial version.. But then again, that's why they call it a trial version! Lots of weird oils in the paid for version along with lots of normal ones...lol I'd highly recommend it. Without a doubt.

Is the three weeks up yet? Hurry up cause I want to use it!

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