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M&P Glycerin Swirl???????????


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Well, you can, kinda sorta but not really. It's a huge process from the tutorial I read once that someone posted on here. Basically you cool your colored MP to the point of just setting up and dual pour (two cups full of MP, at the same time into the same pan from different angles) so they run into each other without "absorbing" each other. I've personally never tried it, nor can I find that tutorial now... maybe someone will chime in with it.

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Well, you can, kinda sorta but not really. It's a huge process from the tutorial I read once that someone posted on here.

I agree with the kinda sorta thought. Thats why I went from M&P to CP....I had to have that swril. This might be what Grumpy was talkin about


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Actually here are some I did last year, and it wasn't so bad at all. Not a huge process or difficult. I used a martha mold then cut it with a crinkle cutter. What I did was pour the base white, then just before it got cool enough to have a skin on it, I poured the colored soap in and swirled with a knife just like I do with my CP.

Grean/yellow is scented Lemongrass, Blue is scented Ocean and the pink is Mac Apple.

It was actually very easy to do, and I love the effect.

I still have a bar of each left, and the colors kind of bled, but they are still swirled.

(The pic is of them right after I made them)




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