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Crystal Palm Pillars


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Beautifully made!

Will pillars work OK for an outdoor wedding? I guess they'll be in a big tent, but not too drafty?

I did 97 of them for a beach front wedding the first weekend in April. They were set up on tables under a huge canapy/tent thing. The bride and her mother said they performed beautifully (I was never so sick of French Market in all my life, LOL). They said everyone was raving about the fragrance which blew my mind. I thought for sure being outside that the fragrance would be undetectable but apparently not according to them.

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OMGosh, those are breathtaking!!! Wow! Is that wax hard to wick? Beautiful job! :D

I used a 45 ply on the 4" pillars and I have just gotten another order for the 3" in the same style...will use a 36 ply on those. Have tested this wicking on the Palm 2 and Palm 3 and both waxes have the same burning characteristics.

Here are pics of a 3" x 4" "Palm 3 feathered with the 36 ply wicking from start to almost finished. This candle has been burned for about 4-5 hours a day with no blowouts.



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Your first pictures were awesome and inspiring. I have been using the feathering palm, and I have some of the crystal palm but haven't used it much. I'm going to pull it back out and play with it again. I couldn't get a good burn like you got on your second set of pictures. Does the 4" burn the same as your 3" pictures with the 45 ply wick? Now that I have seen yours I have hope. :smiley2:

Do you always make your pillars unscented?

Have you ever tried doing a 2" pillar with this wax before? If so what wick do you use with this? I am determind to get the wicking right for this wax on a 2". I have come close but I'm not there yet. They are just too pretty to give up on.

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