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May I ask what you are charging for your 16 oz. tins?


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I don't sell the 16oz. tins but....

for my 4oz. jars I sell them for $5 (or 3 for $12), 6oz. tins are $7 (or 3 for $8) and so on and so forth.

So mine are always a $1 more than the ounces I guess. ;)

You are definitely selling yourself short there girlie.

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I never thought about $1 a ounce.. never once popped in my head..

I need to raise my prices... ;)

I charge 8.00 for 16oz jelly jars!

Maybe thats why hubby looks at me like I have 3 heads when I say I need more stuff, I'm forgetting to pay myself


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Tahnks so much for the replies. Looks like I'll raise my prices. Any suggestions on how I should approach this? Maybe announce that are are going up in said time and that it's die to increase of wax prices and shipping costs? What do you suggest? Thank you so much for all the advice!

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Tahnks so much for the replies. Looks like I'll raise my prices. Any suggestions on how I should approach this? Maybe announce that are are going up in said time and that it's die to increase of wax prices and shipping costs? What do you suggest? Thank you so much for all the advice!

Announce the price increase and have a sale at the same time. So, due to the increase in manufacturing and shipping prices, we are going to have to raise our prices, etc . . . But for the next week we will give you 20% off your next order. Obviously, make it sound better, but people will likely forgive you for the increase if they can get a good deal.

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I also charge $1.00/oz but I figure my cost a little differently. My 16 oz tins, which I love BTW and always buy from Peaks, actually holds 11 oz. wax and 1 oz oil. At $1.00/oz, that's $12.00. Then I add the cost of the tin, which I don't triple in price, @$1.50, and throw in another $1.00 for wicks, color and labels. My final cost is $14.50.

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