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What do you think of this Logo?


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I need you to tell me what you all think of this Logo, minus the gold frame! This would be my labels but the black in the letters would actually be transparent to show the candle color. That includes the black in the center Logo.

Sorry that resizing to post distored the image and took away from the gold metallic look and shadows of the writing!

Please be honest!!

Thank YOU all!!


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Hi Lynn, it's not so bad but in my opinion it's a little.. funeral. It's elegant but heavy...

Maybe you can subsitute the crosses with stars, dots...

Sorry here in italy black and crosses means bad things, maybe it's not for you, then go on and ignore me!

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Very interesting in what you said! Here I was trying to show my faith in Christianity in my logo but never thought of it looking funeralish! I can see where you can get that impression. I will have to print some up and try them on my daughters candles I made her to see the color show through and see if it still looks funeralish! I had thought about putting the fish symbol instead but it was a bit too much! I will rethink this! Thank you so much for your input!!

God Bless,


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I kind of agree :undecided. My first glance impression (before I read any of the lettering) was almost something gothic.

I think you'll have tremendous troubles with that large black background. Allowing the black part of the text areas to remain clear and show the coloring of the candle I don't think will work unless all your candle are white, or neat white. A darker color of any shade will not show up well against the black at all.

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Guest EMercier

Nice label as far as design, but if you are wanting it for candles, nothing on that label says candle or bath and body products. I understand you wanting a Christian theme, but it looks more like a church logo for a book. Trust me, I was raised in the church and I see similar logos all the time. I personally don't think the fish would be too much. I would also soften up the colors a bit. BUT, that's IMO. I like simple.

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ofcilogotestblkgldsalmonbkg8md.jpgHere is a example, without the crosses of what the label would look like on say a Salmon/pink candle. This will have a border around it but am still tweaking before I do that! I will say that temporarily resizing this image and changing the format to post the picture really does take away from the CLEARITY and gold shiny effect of the label!! Please keep that in mind!

Tell me if seeing the different color background, if this makes a difference and look less gothic or funeralish! LOL

Also, I do not have candles listed on this label as the logo is for ALL of our crafted items that we make!! I would have the product name, such as candles or bath items or designer clothes for pets and such on the item label. This LOGO would actually be centered on top with the item description largely printed below. I know this is hard to explain, specially with no sleep! LOL Ill try and get time to design up a FULL actual label graphic to post later! I am still debating on the idea of this one to work with!

Thanks all for your HONEST opinions!! I know that I can trust my CandleTech friends and if I wasn't willing to listen to the bad with the good, I would have no business posting at all!!

BTW~What do you think of the name to summarize many crafted items that we make?? In a earlier post, I asked the board to help with a name to represent OFCI since I had to change what it originally stood for! Our Family Connection Inc.

God Bless,


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I think the letters in the middle draw all your attention and my eyes go to nothing else. I think the focus is off. I would rethink the big letters in the middle. I also think all the black is too much. Just my 2 cents of course.

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Don't take it badly, but I think it' s still a little confusing.

For example, if the name is O F C I (i read your signature) reading that nested letters I get this order: O C F and I have to look around to find the "I".

Maybe try with something simpler.

Maybe you can use only the four letters without writing anything else, since it's the "general purpose logo", then if you have to place another label to indicate the product name etc etc you can write there the business name clearly.

It's nice to have a logo that reminds immediately the name, think to Louis Vuitton, the LV logo is known in all the world.

But all in one label is a little confusing.


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oh, and in the case you leave the four letters alone, gold can be good, if I were you I'd print the gold letters logo on a trasparent paper round (oval) label, on the top of a lid it would be nice...


A lot of words and I can't design my own labels, sorry!!

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Do you all like this better?? I have to agree with some of you that it didn't appear to be OFCI in the center, as the I was hard to find! LOL It really didn't look hard to find on the graphics program! LOL And, I do agree that the order wasn't OFCI but OCF....i! LOL I want to get the center graphic down more before I work on the rest of the label! Thanks again all!!!

Please know that these are just rough drafts and I TRUST my CT pals here to critique this out with me!!!


God Bless,


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The first one is way too busy...my eyes go all over the place and I have no clue what you do from the label. The 2nd one is much cleaner but I wouldn't know that O is part of the name...I would think the company is FCI. Keep working on it...it takes time to develop a good label. :wink2:

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Oooh I like this last example much better. It's much easier on the eyes. The first one reminded me of one of those eye charts you find at the eye doctor's office with all the letters everywhere. I liked it, but thought the OFCI on the north, south, east, west points could be eliminated. Great ideas you've got going though:wink2:

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Do you all like this better?? I have to agree with some of you that it didn't appear to be OFCI in the center, as the I was hard to find! LOL It really didn't look hard to find on the graphics program! LOL And, I do agree that the order wasn't OFCI but OCF....i! LOL I want to get the center graphic down more before I work on the rest of the label! Thanks again all!!!

Please know that these are just rough drafts and I TRUST my CT pals here to critique this out with me!!!


God Bless,


I still don't really SEE the "O", only b/c I know it's supposed to be an "O" KWIM?? If I was just seeing that and didn't know anything about the company etc. I would just think that was a decoration and that the company was FCI.

Maybe if you did the "O" and then had the FCI kind of trailing out of the "O", does that make sense? Kind of partly inside but overlapping and extending outside the "O".

I like the all gold much better than the black for sure though. ;)

Keep workin' at it, you'll probably change it a few times anyway, I know I was really adamant that I was going to have a certain logo, worked with someone to make it just the way I wanted it, and now I've completely changed it. ;)

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