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I think I need a new wax :(

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Oh boy!!! This stinks... the results that I have been getting from my wax are getting worse and worse. Cracking that is unfixable and terrible wet spots. Tried everything I can think of with pour temps, heat of the room, adjusted the BW...

I don't unerstand it! For months and months and months... I had perfect tarts! Now, every single one of them is cracking. It started out with the wet spots.... and now almost every thing I pour cracks. How can my perfect wax turn into this? (It is fresh wax- I have been ordering through this company for a while and go through a box of wax a month).

I just emailed the company and am hoping that they can tell me what the heck I can do....

Any advice on a place to try?

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Perhaps it is a bad batch?? I've heard others talk about it.

What kind of wax is it?

100% soy from MillCreek. I have had this trouble with 2 different batches of wax (unless they are both from ONE big batch they have there)

I just got an email back from them, and they are saying that the outdoor temp. is most likely the cause of the cracking. I am a little confused about that one... There was no mention of why I am getting terrible (and I mean terrible) wet spots when I didn't before.

Was there a thread on here about cracking and a bad batch? I tried to search before I posted- but I didn't find anything. I would like to read what is going on with others in the same boat.

AHHHHH!!!! So mny orders to make and all of the ones I did this morning are trash.

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The talk of the bad batch of wax had to do more with the wicks. I believe that it didn't have to do with cracking of the wax and wet spots.

Where are you located? I have found that when it gets cold here. I live in Michigan that I do have to watch the outside temps. Some people don't believe this but I do. I think that your cracking is coming from the fact that they are cooling to fast. Check for drafts or try warming your house up.

I have an oven hood that lets a draft in. I found that out the hard way when I had 300 votives to make:( I had to redo half of them because they were cooling way to fast and cracking, I had terrible sink holes.


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Yep I believe it's room temp. When I pour new wax to test I write down the room temp along with other notes so I can go back and see what I did to make certain candles. If nothing else use a hanging heat lamp above your molds or jars that way they cool slower. There are other methods to slow the cooling too.

If you don't have a temp. controled area you will find a big difference in making candles from hot summer to cold winter.

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I had a problem with the room temp causing cracking, and a sinking type look. Turns out I'd forgotten that I had an open window in the kitchen. Although it was one of those warm days, it definitely took a toll on the tarts.

I can't understand why you would not be able to fix it though.

That must stink! All that work down the tubes.

No luck with a heat gun??

Tried warming the pans/molds a bit?

I'm truly sorry for your troubles.

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Yep I believe it's room temp. When I pour new wax to test I write down the room temp along with other notes so I can go back and see what I did to make certain candles. If nothing else use a hanging heat lamp above your molds or jars that way they cool slower. There are other methods to slow the cooling too.

If you don't have a temp. controled area you will find a big difference in making candles from hot summer to cold winter.

Welllll... I know it isn't "exactly" a temp controlled area (my kitchen LOL).... but I do have a huge thermometer that I always check to make sure.

Hmmmm.... I am going to have to ty something here....

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