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Substitutes for loaf molds?

Regina Filange

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I wanting to make a loaf of soap and try CP for the first time (I've only done CrockPot HP so far). But I'm noticing the very high prices of all the nice loaf molds out there.

Do you guys have any brilliant ideas of other things I can use to make a 2 or 3 pound loaf and is the same size as your typical loaf mold? If so, what do you use to line your item/is it hard to remove from the makeshift mold?

I have a crinkle slicer and really would like to make some nice thick slices.

Any info or ideas would be great!


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At WalMart, in the office supply section, they have these Rubbermaid drawer organizers, for like $4.50 or something...they are soooo awesome, lol....it is black and has about 6 compartments, so I can make a little or a lot, and they are very flexible, so I don't even have to line them with the freezer paper...I just pop my soap right out! And IMO, they make perfectly shaped bars when I slice them.

They are kept where all that receipt paper, and business card holders, paperclips, etc. are.

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I have used the plastic shoe box containers in the past. ACMOORE has them on sale for 3/$1 frequently. spritz with Pam and soap away. I've lost a very few due to the heat ( and frequent use) but easier to throw away a 33 cent container than battle my Kelsie mold sometimes.. LOL

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Guest EMercier

I made my own loaf mold from supplies I got at Lowes. That's if your handy. I just used a small hacksaw, some wood glue and a few finishing nails. I do line it with freezer paper. The pieces cost me about $7. Could've been less because I also bought a few other things. They have the pre-cut pieces and you can have them cut them down to your specifications or cut them yourself. Didn't take long at all to put together. HTH. I had enough for all 5 sides and a top to put over it.

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