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Wax Question??

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I am still a newbie to candle making and I purchased molds to make my own electric candles (with the 5 watt silicone bulb) for my home. I tried IGI4625 from BCN. I don't have much of a scent throw unless you get right up and smell them. And it leaves bubbles and pits in my wax that makes it not look so nice, so I iced the ones that I did do. But still the scent throw really isn't what I want.

My sister purchased one already made for me at christmas of carmel pecan and it really smells up my room. I was wondering if someone may know what kind of wax was used if I explain it. I thought maybe soy but I thought you couldn't use soy in the electric candles and I did do some container soy candles and they feel alot harder than this wax.

But here's the texture/feel of it. It is like a very greasy type feel that if you touch it it leaves like a vasoline on your fingertips. You can cut it with a knife or put your finger nail threw it very easily. Kinda reminds me of a stiffer crisco. And the scent throw is amazing!! Anyone that knows about different waxes I could try would be greatly appreciated. I really want a good throw to smell up the rooms in my house and am having no luck. I made 3 so far and just can't smell them and they are Amish Harvest scent from Peaks.

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Hmmmm ....... I just went and read the characteristics of that wax. I have never used it before myself, but maybe it is more meant to be burned (with a wick) instead of just heated (electric).

Hopefully someone who uses this wax can jump in and help you out.

In any case, do you have any other wax you could try and see if it works better for electric candles?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Please keep informed. I would love to know if you find a solution. (got me curious now) ;)

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I also make these candles and I use plain parrafin for these, however I did use a wax once that was called "Creme Wax" it a blend of waxes, I bought it at our local craft store.Though it held the scent very well ,when heated by the bulb the wax tends to pool inside the candle more than you want. I get awesome throw from my parrafin though. I melt it to 180 degrees, cool to 150 then add scent and pour. Good luck

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I used the IGI 4625 (preblended) I did add some vybar to it (I followed the package instructions on the vybar, I think the package said 1 tbsp per lb of wax) because it said it helped eliminate bubbles and enhance fragrance. I did pour at 200, because the lady I bought my molds off of said that was why I was getting bubbles and that I wasn't pouring hot enough and the wax I'm using she didn't like when she used it, and said to try another wax. But I don't know which ones are good waxes for throw.

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IGI 4627 has a wax, it's sort of like "thick vasoline". it's great for scent throw, just a bugger to work with if you don't have a vat. It comes in bag form and is "clear" prior to your candle making process. This seems to be what you are explaining to us. The melt point on this wax is quite high and tends to need a "wick up". The frag load is up to 10%.

they also have a wax IGI 4630, it's not sticky as mentioned above...this stuff comes in slabs and is white prior to your process. The scent throw isn't as good as the wax mentioned above.

Hope this helps?

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Thanks maybe I'll try some. I does seem like it would be very soft and hard to work with and hard to explain I have never seen this wax in any candle that I have bought before, it is very greasy to the touch and if you rub it you can actually see that you kinda smeared it like spreading cream cheese on something, and you have to wash your hands after touching it or they feel like you have grease on them, weird. The ones I did are very hard compared to this one, sometimes I wonder if they are too hard and the bulb can't get the wax hot enough to burn the scent. I just love walking into my bedroom and smelling this candle. So I'm willing to try anything recommended. Thanks!!

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It sounds very similar to Nature's Garden's Joy Wax. I used that wax for about 1 1/2 years and it was definately greasy to the touch and does come in slab form. It's very easy to cut but it does leave a thick vaseline-like residue on your hands. Joy Wax had great scent throw...my god how it threw Peak's Hyacinth FO...it was unbelievable! However; it did have some minor drawbacks...it won't throw every scent that you put in it...very similar to the way soy wax behaves. It contains a great deal of soy so that is why that happens. One other issue I had with it was that it could sometimes be difficult to wick due to sooting problems. Overall though, I'd say it was very good wax.

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Thanks guys!! I am so happy I found this forum you are so much help for us newbies!! :) I will see if I can get samples of these waxes and see if I can find one that I like. I really need to use the electric candles right now instead of burning. I watch 2 young children (1 mine) during the day and so afraid they will get burnt on the flame or spill my tart warmers on themselves. They are in places they shouldn't be, but 3 year olds are just unpredictable and mine is starting to climb to get into cupboards now.

So I am off to find some wax. Thanks again for all your help!!

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I know that I am a little late to chime in here but I would have to agree with Fern just based on my experience with the Joywax. This is the only wax that I use and I love it. From what you are describing it does sound an awful lot like Joywax but it may be another type of wax. I hope you find out what it is so you can use it though. I am very happy with the Joywax, like I said this is the only one I use although I am going to be trying out another wax pretty soon.

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No never to late, I keep checking back for updated help. Everyone keeps telling me either NG's Joy Wax or IGI 4627. I am going to get some of both hopefully it's one of them. The only thing that puzzles me is how the heck they got it out of the mold since it's so soft. When I touch it, it seems like it would just squish. I have a heck of a time getting the IGI 4625 parrafin blend out. Mine doesn't have a slit on the side like I see some are made now. I was thinking of maybe adding a 50/50 of IgI 4627/ecosoy pillar or Joy wax/ecosoy pillar. Would it make it more stiff to get out of the mold but still keep the good scent throw? Or will I mess up the wax all together by doing that?? I don't know much yet, I keep trying and reading everyones past forums. I'll get the hang of this candle thing yet!!:tongue2:

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You could probably get it out of the mold by putting it in the freezer for a short period of time. Once it reaches room temperature it will soften up again. Also, you could add the pillar wax to it. I make tarts using a 50/50 blend of container and pillar wax and the scent throw is fantastic.

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Thanks Fern I am going to try it. I am going to get samples of the Joy Wax and the IGI 4627 to see if either of these waxes are the ones I'm looking for. I am also going to get some OK6228 (recommended by the lady I bought my molds off of ) and some Ecosoy pillar wax. Any other recommendations are welcome, I'm a newbie and willing try anything!! I will let everyone know what the outcome is once I do them.

I'm thinking messy!:grin2:

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OK6228 is what I use with my J223 or J50 to make my tarts. It's a great wax that has wonderful scent throw. By the way, you can get both the Joy Wax and Ok6228 at Nature's Garden. Their MP 145 wax is actually OK6228. Just thought I'd tell you so that you can save yourself some money on shipping. Good luck and let us know how you make out.

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