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Wish I could share with everyone .. fresh goatsmilk

Scent Cellar

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On the way to town the other day I stopped off at a local farm that raises goats and took them a few bars of my goatsmilk soap so they could see another product of their labors. This morning they stopped by our house and brought me 2 gallons of fresh goatsmilk .. I was surprised to see that it is much lighter than the canned goats milk that I have been using even when it's diluted with the water. Now I better get busy and bag it for freezing. Can I expect lighter bars ?? Hoping so.

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Sure you can share! Got a cooler, some ice, and a car? Missouri's not too far away! I sense a road trip for ya coming on ... :laugh2:

Let us know how the finished soap comes out! Post pics! I am making a batch of GM soap this weekend too, but I'm not so lucky as you to get some fresh GM. :wink2:

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Actually, no you won't necessarily get lighter bars unless you take the same steps you take with store bought gm. What you will notice is how much creamier and nicer your soap is with fresh gm compared to store bought. I think its because fresh has a higher fat content. Most of the bars I make are with gm. From spring to summer, all my gm is fresh from the goat that morning. I am so lucky to have a good friend that raises goats. :D I much prefer fresh but store bought makes great soap too!

Edited to add: I noticed though that with fresh if I am not patient enough and add the gm too fast when using it full strength, it will turn a brighter orange than store bought does.

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My friend that has goats only milks in the spring and into the summer when the goats start having those spring babies. One year, more of her females were pregant than she had anticipated - it seems the male somehow had managed to get in the females and got lucky times than they realized he had!! Everyday practically she was coming to work announcing another surprise nighttime delivery. She had so much milk that she was having to dump it. Tragic, isn't it. I still cringe when I think of it.

By the time summer summer comes around, the babies are weaned and she is tired of milking, so she lets them dry up.

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