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bluegrass candle supply...

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I never got a chance to use their products but I've always heard that their products are great but I do know from personal experience that their CS sucks. I've never heard any complaint on products, just CS. CS was so bad I cancelled the one and only order I ever made. It's one thing to take longer than reasonable to ship but its a totally different thing when you inquire about your order to be treated downright rudely and as if you are somehow bothering and incoveniencing them because you asked.

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I began my soy candle making experience with bluegrass supplies. I liked their soy wax without the cottonseed. As far as fragrances, I haven't had one that I didn't like and used to order from them exclusively until I found this board and found other suppliers. The cranberry punch is one of my top sellers along with hot blueberry muffin. I've never had a problem with their customer service when I've called directly to place an order but it seems like shipping is rather slow.

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scents and more....you mentioned to post on the 'bluegrass message board'. do you mean the one on 'their' site? i tried to pm you but i guess i don't have enough post to do that yet...? thanks for your replies. slow shipping won't matter to me...i will be picking it up. i'll let you know my experience when i visit them...hope to in a few weeks. i'm still getting my 'ducks' or should i say 'wicks in a row' before i purchase. i want to have all my questions ready for them!

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I tried pm'ing you and I also clicked in your profile to e-mail you and it says you are not accepting e-mails. Yes, I meant to post on the message board on Bluegrass website. You can also do a search on each of the oils you are interesed in and see what people have said on the Bluegrass board about them.

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Sweet Patchouli is a very nice scent but a PITA to wick. I finally gave up. :o Cotton Candy & Coconut Milk & Peaches are light(er) scents (to my nose) so be prepared if you ever get those. Like others have said, shipping can be rather slow sometimes. I've never had an issue with their CS.

I wish they would get more non-foody scents. :undecided

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