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Help - Glass candle holder disaster!

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:undecided I'm trying to make my own candles for my wedding reception (July). I've made 4 candles in glass votive holders with wax made for glass containers. However; when the wax cools, it cracks and has bubbles and looks awful. I warm the holders while I'm melting the wax and adding coloring so that I'm not pouring into cold glass to keep them from breaking or cracking. I really do want to make candles in the glass jars instead of pouring the wax into metal molds then putting them into the glass jars.

Anyone have any suggestions, I have time to try every suggestion so please feel free to help.



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I'm using the Yaley brand I bought from Michael's store along with the coloring from Yaley. I'm pouring at the temperature it calls for, sorry I haven't made any in the last 2 weeks so I don't know off the top of my head what temp it calls for. For these candles, I am not using scent. I'm just starting with glass holders, have done many using the metal molds but would like to start selling jar candles at arts/crafts fairs.

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It's hard to help without having more information. If your wax is cracking, you may be cooling the votives too quickly, but then again, your pour temp might also be to blame. I also don't know anything about the wax you're using, so it's hard to really give you pointers. Sorry. :undecided

Also, if you want to sell jar candles, you might want to try mastering the votives before you delve into something new. It can take a lot of time and effort to make a candle that burns properly and looks nice too. This board has tons of great information though, so you have plenty of stuff to read to help you out. :)

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Honestly I would say try another wax, your in TX there are several wax suppliers out there. Maybe even one close enough to go to. You will find that price per pound you will get a better deal from a supplier and they usually have great customer service and if all else I am sure someone on this board has used their wax before. If you plan to make candles to sell you will surely want to find another wax, because once you break down how much it costs you to make the candle..using wax from Michaels just isn't cost effective.

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Hi Tammy, not sure why but I can't PM you, system tells me that I don't have that privelge. Would like to communicate with you and hopefully solve this problem before my wedding so that I can use my own candles.



I think you have to have a minimum of 10 posts before you are allowed to PM someone. :)

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