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Swirling two colors together

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I am doing a blueberry cheesecake container candle with J50 wax using a zinc core diameter of jar is 3" anybody give me some info on how to swirl the blue and cream color together to make a marbelized effect. I thought that would be different than all blue or cream.

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Well I am also still a novice so I'm not sure if this is the proper way or not, but when I made a Black Raspberry and Vanilla container I poured it about 2/3 of the way with a deep purple colored wax then when it was slightly cool I poured white in it and it swirled nicely for me. Now I have only done that on one batch so I am not sure I can reproduce it but it did work once:wink2: .

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I've also used the toothpick method. Pour your candle with no dye into the jar. Then take a toothpick generously dipped in blue liquid dye and swirl quickly into the container - making sure to reach the bottom. It has worked pretty well for me. Don't swirl too long or it turns one solid color. You want to swirl quick and get out of there, lol. You won't get consistent results, in that every candle will look different, but that's not a bad thing either. People have also done this will dye chips, but I don't use those and haven't tried it.

You can also wait until the wax in your pot is slushy to add a drop or two of dye and then pour into the container. I've only done this with pillars though, but it worked great once I got the method down.

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