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Cleaning Jars

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newbie here, i was wondering what is the best and easiest way to clean old wax out of jars, i have heated the jars up and wiped them out with paper towel, but there is still a layer of wax on the glass, its straight paraffin wax, tried to wash it out with dawn and water, no luck.. any advice would be appreciated.

thank you

kdehoff :o

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I put mine in the oven upside down on paper towels. Just put oven on warm about 150 or so, most of the wax runs off. Then quicklly wipe with paper towels. Rest comes out with hot soapy water.

I do this too, except that I don't wash with soapy water, I put them in the dishwasher (only do this once the waxis out of the jar. If there is more than a thin film of wax, it will clog the washer). I also wear gardening gloves to wipe the jars out with a papertowel when they come out of the oven, so I don't burn my hands.

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I have put them in a candle warmer, then wiped them down with a paper towel. Either that or the oven works well....the gardening gloves are a great idea. We use them for cleaning the molds and jars when they are hot, and to protect me from cuts when wiping out the votive molds. I have a few SCARS from swiping those out! I also have a large cut in my gardening glove from a votive mold...those darn things are SHARP!! :cry2:

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