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getting pics straight on hurricane shells

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That's the hardest part for me. Some people just let their picture drop to the bottom of the mold, then you know it's straight. But I like to leave the same amount of wax at the bottom that there is at the top, so it looks centered. I finally took some fingernail polish and made tiny little dots x amount of inches down from the top of my mold. I try to make all my pictures the same size, so if I line the top of my picture up on those dots, then I know it's straight and I will have the same amount of wax showing at the top as I do the bottom. This has worked best for me, but it's not to say that I haven't had a few "slide" down before I get it into the water bath. I do use a very cold cloth on it to "set" it, but sometimes I just don't move fast enough to the water bath, and that's when it moves on me. HTH

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