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Using pouring pots

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I was watching a TV show on HGTV called "That's Clever". If you've never seen it, they go to the homes of crafters and film what they are making. This episode showed a candlemaker. She made very cute blueberry pies, cupcakes and a gel martini, all very nice.

What has me wondering is that she melted the wax in a pouring pot which was placed directly on an electric stove. No double boiler. Does anyone else do that?

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Guilty as charged. I got fed up waiting for my double boiler to reach a decent temp (besides all the steam it was generating - I'm not into saunas. LOL) so I always put my melting pot directly onto the electric burner (and yes, I do watch the temps. pretty carefully). Mind you, I only make about one candle at a time so don't know what impact melting large quantities would have.

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I don't melt on the stove, but, I do melt my repours in the micro wave. BAD BAD BAD, The other day I put one in the Micro in a pyrex , set it for 6 mins (instead of three) brain dead for sure, the damn thing exploded, what a mess, lucky I was there and got it cleaned up before it went hard on me, meanwhile short one pyrex and need a new turntable for the microwave.

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I don't melt on the stove, but, I do melt my repours in the micro wave. BAD BAD BAD, The other day I put one in the Micro in a pyrex , set it for 6 mins (instead of three) brain dead for sure, the damn thing exploded, what a mess, lucky I was there and got it cleaned up before it went hard on me, meanwhile short one pyrex and need a new turntable for the microwave.

OMG, Tucker! I did the same thing once ... and it was my favorite BIG pyrex! Guess I have to learn things the hard way!

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Guilty as charged. I got fed up waiting for my double boiler to reach a decent temp (besides all the steam it was generating - I'm not into saunas. LOL) so I always put my melting pot directly onto the electric burner (and yes, I do watch the temps. pretty carefully). Mind you, I only make about one candle at a time so don't know what impact melting large quantities would have.

Yes it is a pain waiting on the double boiler and I've been so tempted to do it, especially with my repours, but I know as sure as my name that I'll get distracted and forget the darn thing is on the burner.

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