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It's Christmas in March!

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Wow! I knew I was expecting some stuff this week, but I didn't know it would all arrive last night! I came home from work and discovered my Jar Store order, FO from Peak, and a PC motherboard to repair my mule PC! :bliss: Got a case each of 16 oz and 24 oz Melting Pot jars, and five bottles of FO and some wicking from Peak. Those jars are really classy looking! Now I can really get to work!

geek :whoohoo:

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Ooooh, I love Christmas in March... and April and May and June........:D It is great to get those boxes full of goodies- I'm expecting a few next week and can hardly wait! I have new molds, wax and fragrances on the way so it will be time to play.

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Need we ask what you'll be doing this weekend:D

Not really, but i'll tell ya anyway ;)

I'll be doing 50/50 computer work and candle pouring/testing. The PC work will allow me to test PC parts to sell on eBay so I can afford to buy more candle making supplies! Right now my computer room looks like someone stirred it with a stick :tongue2: and mrs geek wants it cleaned up so company won't think I'm a total slob! (only a partial one) :grin2:

I am so stoked over my jars and colors! This will be the Year of the Geek!

your geek

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Not really, but i'll tell ya anyway ;)

I'll be doing 50/50 computer work and candle pouring/testing. The PC work will allow me to test PC parts to sell on eBay so I can afford to buy more candle making supplies! Right now my computer room looks like someone stirred it with a stick :tongue2: and mrs geek wants it cleaned up so company won't think I'm a total slob! (only a partial one) :grin2:

I am so stoked over my jars and colors! This will be the Year of the Geek!

your geek

He He He!!! That's really funny, you sound just like my husband, he has a computer room like that.


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I'm bummed I have had three of my orders take three weeks to get to me. All from different places too. I don't know what's up, but I do know I'm jealous of you Geek!!! I wish my stuff would get here.

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