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Different wick affect hot throw?

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I know, this is probably a silly question. I've been making votives with Peak's 130MP votive blend (which I can't find anymore) and I've been using the 44-24-18s. The throw is great, but it mushrooms a lot and I need to trim the wick a LOT. I tried the 36-24-24, and although I do get a full melt pool, the throw seems not so good. Am I imagining this? I've noticed the difference using German Chocolate Cake, 2 votives from the same batch. Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated! :)

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I believe there is a definate difference in how wicks throw scent. The hotter burning the wick, the better the throw. Zinc wicks are the coolest burning and they mushroom like crazy...the cottons are the hottest. Try some cotton wicks and see how they perform for you.

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I agree that there is a difference. I'd been trying to wick a 3" container with LXs - got a good mp but no throw. Switched to a HTP and got throw. With the LX, the mp looked kinda slushy and with the HTP it's nice and clear so the added heat did the trick.

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