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new to candle making

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:wave: Hi, and welcome to your newest addiction... you didnt say what coast you lived on, but you can do a google search or yahoo search for candle making supplies and come up with zillions.. some of the ones I and some of the others use are listed below. I just put the names of the companies.. dont have my address book on this puter. anyway.. welcome and hope this gets ya started.

Natures Garden candle supplies

Peak Candle supplies

Bittercreek candle supplies

Tri-state candle supplies.

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I live in NY. I have checked out a couple different sites but the prices seem to be more. I will check it out!

unfortunately shipping is a killer nowadays... Natures garden is in OH...but its still a little up there... you may also want to check out WHOLESALE SUPPLIES PLUS... they seem to have good prices and decent shipping.... anyway... these should get ya goin in the right direction

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Hi and welcome. Living in Australia I'm going to be of absolutely no use with suggestions for suppliers for you but what I did want to say is that once you determine what you need (this will take time as you think of more things as you get more experience) you may find that you use several different suppliers for different things - one for wax, another for wicks, another for fo's, etc as each supplier has different stock and pricing. Sorry if it seems that I'm stating the obvious, its just that when I started candlemaking I only bought from a local supplier until I did some searching and discovered that I could buy my wax cheaper from a supplier over 2000 miles away (and my fo's from a supplier - just how far away is America - even further away) so it pays to search. Good luck.

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Welcome to CT and the art of candlemaking. There are tons of suppliers and prices do vary. Generally you'll find waxes to be very close in price, but shipping is what's going to determine the best overall price. Candlewic is actually one of the cheapest sites I've found. Their molds are by far the cheapest I've come acrossed. Many sites charge at least twice as much if not 3-4x more. But their 4144 pillar wax is the only product I've actually used, and I do like it. For fos (fragrance oils) price should not be your determining factor. This is one case where quality is very important. I found this out the hard way. I've placed big orders based on price and sales, and was very unhappy with the products I received. Some good quality fos can be purchased from a number of sites. The ones I'd recommend checking out for fos (based on personal experience and recommendations from others here) Peaks (link on right) Natures Garden, Bitter Creek North, Indiana Candle Supply, Aztec, Just Scents, and Candle Cacoon. A warning here though, you should always try a sample first before you by a large amount of an fo. Everyones nose is different and just because everyone is raving about a scent does not mean that you'll like it. Oh and another helpful hint, you can save alot of money by participating in the co-ops the members run here. There's always a co-op for something going on. Theres fo co-ops for Peaks here almost monthly.

For dyes, (if you want to try liquid, which I recommend) Peaks and Alabaster Candle Supply sell good qualtiy dyes, and Alabaster has 30 colors to choose from.

For wicks there's a new sites which I can't remember the name of right now, but they're offering a free sampler pack. Run a search, I'm sure you'll be able to find it. Or order a sample pack yourself. You'll be needing the different sizes when you start testing to find that perfect burn with your formulation. Oh and Candlewic offers a "wick builder" where they'll make your wicks to your specifications. Hope this is of some help.

Be sure to read the tips threads and the archives. They're full of useful info. Wish I would've known about this site when I first started, would've saved myself a ton of $.

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