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30 Ply Test Burn ?

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Thought I should stop hijacking the other thread. Changed to a 30 ply FB. This pic is after 3 hrs. This is the 5th wick I've tried and I didn't trim the top of the pillar when I put in this wick. Do you think I need to level the top to get a fair wick test? I'm just such a dumb newbie with pillars. Thanks for your help.


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Leveling the top seems like it might make a more realistic test, but I never do that so I'm not sure if it's good enough. Personally I would just pour a new pillar and start from scratch. You can repour that one into a smaller mold if you're using it for testing anyway.

If a pillar wick isn't performing properly, swapping in a new one could give you an idea of whether you're closer to the mark, but then you have to see how the candle burns down. Taking up where the previous wick left off isn't very realistic. Each burn is affected by all the previous burns because of the shell and the shape of the top.

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Sharyl....I know what you are going through. I just lit a candle on my mantel for testing. The CBL 141 that I was using for my chunks isn't working right now. Their formula changed and I have to wait until a new shipment comes in next month so we can test it. I have to make my own wax blend for the chunks now.....boo hoo......I have no trouble with chunks, but to make them white and work with my over pour is the problem. Different wicks didn't fix my problem so I did a different blend last night. I have to wick up for chunks and so far the SB#2 works for me. (for a 3" pillar) Now, for mottles...it depends on how much FO I add to my wax. And I would level the top too. That way you can see what is going on right from the beginning. I have a bunch of white candles on my mantel from testing this week. That's a good thing because I love white chunk candles. They look like ice cubes glowing. I am going to pm you. hugs "TT"

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This is the 5th wick I've tried and I didn't trim the top of the pillar when I put in this wick. Do you think I need to level the top to get a fair wick test?

Yes Sharyl, I do think you need to level the top. As Top said, the existing shell and shape of the top are coming into play, skewing your results. If you are pleased with the burn after trimming, pour another to test from the start.


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