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Wierd Wetspot

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I use J50 and have for a long time. Wetspots always pop up, but I learned to stop caring a while ago. Well, yesterday I poured a tester for my friend's shower candles - J50, 9 oz balmoral and 6% FO. This afternoon, when I went to poke a hole in it and wick it, I noticed that there were no wetspots at all. Then I picked up the candle and noticed that when I shook it, it rattled in the jar. The wax has completely separated from the jar and rattles around in there! You would think that I used a votive/pillar wax in it instead of a container wax. I have never had this happen and find it really strange. Not sure if I should be worried about the quality of the case of wax I bought or chalk it up to aliens. Hmmmm . . . :confused:

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Did you just get this case of J50?I have always use J50,and the last three cases of it is differant than any I have ever used.I called my supplier,and they said it is differant.I get no wet spots.It looks differant.


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Yeah, this is a new case of J50. I've gone through a good bit of the case, but I used the majority of it for wickless candles. So this is the first candle I've poured from this new case. I have heard some rumors about new case of J50 being "off", but I was hoping that wouldn't happen to me, lol. I did notice that once I began to burn the jar, the wetspots returned and the candle is now adhered to the glass again. But I did my first pour at my regular temp and left it on the counter to set up, as I do with all my testers. I've just never had this happen before. Very strange. Those darn aliens better leave me alone so I can finish my order. :rolleyes2

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It's been posted before but maybe you missed it. Lining your roof with aluminum foil makes it harder for the aliens to detect candles.

You know, I just never thought it could happen to me. All right, I'm going up on the roof now. Wish me luck. Hope I have enough foil left over to make me a hat too so they can't read my candle-making brain waves.

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Too late! You're thinking about FOs from Just Scents... everyone is aware. Personally I put my computer inside an aluminum hut I made out of cans and leftover foil so the aliens can't see what I'm buying (too bad this won't work on DH). ;)

Seriously, I pour IGI 6006 and never had a problem with wet spots or pulling away from the glass then suddenly it started happening. Total release from the sides of the jars. I love to do layers so this is NOT making me happy. I wonder what's up with the wax?

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Too late! You're thinking about FOs from Just Scents... everyone is aware. Personally I put my computer inside an aluminum hut I made out of cans and leftover foil so the aliens can't see what I'm buying (too bad this won't work on DH). ;)

Seriously, I pour IGI 6006 and never had a problem with wet spots or pulling away from the glass then suddenly it started happening. Total release from the sides of the jars. I love to do layers so this is NOT making me happy. I wonder what's up with the wax?

Hey! How did you know what I'm thinking?? Oh wait, it's probably because that's what I'm always thinking, lol. Maybe I could just put DH in the aluminum hut? Not sure if I have enough foil leftover after doing the roof.

Things are just going strange for me this month. Hopefully, it's won't be a problem when I pour 36 of these for the shower gifts I have to make.

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I have been testing 6006 and just buying by the slabs. I have that same problem. I have been pouring testers and then poking a hole for the wick and the whole candle releases from the jar and same thing that someone else mentioned, when you burn it it adheres back to the jar. I have also noticed it on my own formula (mixture of different waxes) that I came up with and it is doing the same thing. Weird.

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