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Has anyone ever used the silicone part A and B to make their own molds? Did it work out for you? My husband wants a star wars candle :rolleyes2 and I can not find a mold ANYWHERE, so I figured I could use this to make a casting of whatever and make a candle with that. If you have used this, do you think this would work?



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Rubbers can be tricky to work with. Silicone is expencive, but there are others that will work for your prodject. Check here for more info http://www.smooth-on.com/ The DVD's are great, they go into great detail.

I have looked at that product and even have it book marked. Have you used this and if so, how easy is it to work with? I want to make my own pie crust molds and maybe even my own fruit embed molds, but didnt want to go hog wild until I found out more about it... any comments would be greatly appreciated:)

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The 2 part silicone is easy to use. Only thing to remember is to have all your ducks in a row, cause it is expensive, and once mixed there's no turning back. If you don't mix enough you're scattering to mix more, if you mix to much you're wasting the silicone. I always try to have something extra to pour, just something small. Also, secure your object, it will possibly float when you pour the silicone. And the trial pack from smooth-on is a good deal.

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I would suggest trying a trial size amount of silicone to try. Everyone is right, it is expensive. I make a few of my molds, just ones I can't find anywhere. You might find someone to custom make your molds, but shop around, some are very expensive. I've had numberous molds crumble after only a couple of uses, & others that have seen me thru 100's of uses.

Pam R

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please, please explain how to "secure" the objects! my husband and i made a cherry and raspberry mould and although they "do the trick", we did notice that the objects floated and could've caused a major problem.

we'd like to make a large pecan mould and were wondering if we could pour the mixture into a pan and then push the objects into the curing material???


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well, for the pecans, that would work perfectly. i should be able to glue my wax embeds already made into the pan and then pour over top. something so simple and yet couldn't think of that solution! thank you! will have to try to rig something up for the fruit though...anyone with other suggestions?:yay:

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Might drop creative gems a line. She might make the mold you want for around the same as what you'd have to pay out for the materials.

Not sure what she'd charge or what the materials cost. But I know she's done some custom molds for others and the reports I've heard were all positive. Save you a lot of mess, at the very least. :)

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Rubbers can be tricky to work with. Silicone is expencive, but there are others that will work for your prodject. Check here for more info http://www.smooth-on.com/ The DVD's are great, they go into great detail.

was lost in here for a LONG time! What an interesting place. It got my wheels to turning!


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Would glue dots work to hold stuff down? The candle ones are kinda big. I think I read you should paint something on real fruit before using, same with nuts, they need to be coated first. I had a really nice info paper but not sure where it is. If I find it I'll post what it said to use. I have always wanted to make molds but just haven't tried it yet. I do remember silicone sticks to silcone so don't use calking to glue anything down.

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