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Issues with wicking IGI 6006

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Hi everyone. I have been testing IGI 6006 for close to 3 months now. My straight sided tumbler diameter is 3.1" and my candles are 8oz.

  • I've tested zinc wicks in multiple sizes, CD-16, 18, 20, ECO 16, HTP 105 and none of these wick achieve a full melt pool.
  • I should also note that I use a 10% fragrance load and have let my candles cure for 24 hours before burning.
    • The ECO 16 wick achieves a full melt pool as the candle burns further down because the tumbler is narrower at the bottom, however it scorches my wax and turns it to a burned brown color. The hot throw of my candles is much better with the ECO 16 despite it burning the wax.
    • The CD wicks do not throw as strongly for me, but do not burn the wax. The HTP wick curls to one side and burns unevenly. The zinc wicks mushroom A LOT despite not reaching a full melt pool.
  • I let the candles burn for 3 hours (1 hour per inch of diameter) and the melt pool is deep, just never reaches the edges.


Is there any wick you recommend that I try? Should I try to cure the candles longer? The wax always seems to tunnel no matter the wick and the size I'm using. Any help would be appreciated.

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You seem to be way over-wicked.  Use the wick guide offered by Candle Science.  Allow the candle to cure at least a week before testing, longer is even better.  A full melt pool is not the goal, and should not be considered a sign of success.  If you have a full melt pool early on, you will be way over-wicked in later burns.


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A full early melt pool is a limit, not a goal. 

Over wicking and over scenting are, IMO, the two biggest factors leading to candle fires, candle container failures, soot on walls and ceilings and all the bad press regarding candles. 

Tapered containers need to be thought of differently than straight sided jars, especially those that taper at the bottom. You pretty much have two different candles in one container. 

when measuring jars, please do measure the inside diameter, not the outside.  I’ve seen loads of people on Facebook groups measuring the outside of the container, which is “off” by up to 1/2” depending on the thickness of the container sides.



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