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Meyers Lemon


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Hello everyone,

I know I bought a bit of Meyers Lemon a while back bot for the life of me cannot remember where I got it from. I went to all my usual suppliers but could not find it. The name Meyers is in the title. Can anyone point me in the right directions?

Thank you,

Kare in MA

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3 hours ago, Lizzy said:

WSP, Brambleberry, Elements, The Candlemakers Stores all carry it from what I can see on Google. HTH :)

OMG it was Elements that is the one place I had not checked. I was looking into past orders of everywhere I had ordered. Thank you.


Karen in MA

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I've been doing some reading about citrus scents and came across some things I wasn't expecting having to do with lemons.  Maybe someone who knows more about this can help me out here.  For instance, when a scent, such as one of the Meyer Lemon scents suggested above has an ingredient called out as "lemon oil terpenes" ... is that the same as Limonene?  I was browsing a misc. supply site and saw Limonene on one of the product lists and recalled that it was mentioned on this forum some time ago as something handy to use, but I knew I also saw it as an ingredient in a fragrance oil before, so I had to then go researching.  Why I choose such paths, I do not know!!  Anyway, yes, I had spotted it as a minor ingredient in a Pine scent, as well as some citrus scents and this is where I got into trouble.  In wanting to learn more about it, I found reports that said there is an issue with this ingredient when used in candles.  I don't know if it's true or not, or if it's even anything to be concerned about, but there is an indoor air quality concern that has been raised about this ingredient.  It was something about it changing when meeting up with ozone and forming formaldehyde.  So, now I'm wondering about some of the scents that I see that contain Limonene and I wonder if "lemon oil terpenes" is another word for Limonene ...?  Maybe someone here can shine some light on this for me, as from what I can tell, it is used in some of the citrusy scents we use, and for some, that may a concern of sorts. 

Edited by birdcharm
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In thinking about this, it is probably not an issue.  The only thing is that there seems to have been a rash of articles about citrus scents a few years back ( which I've been completely unaware of ) and it could be that consumers might ask about the safety of certain citrus scents.  I really don't think it's an issue, as I said, but thought I'd share it here just to see if anyone else has read anything about it.

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