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After 3 weeks, I tried my soap

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

I have very sensitive skin and I wouldn't dare try my soap on my skin. I use my BF for that. I did use it on my hands and I can say I do not like the all olive oil soap. It's slimy! YUK! I can see why most don't make it that way. BUT, it was my first successful CP and I am proud of it. IT didn't break me out, but I don't want my body to feel slimy. I did have bubbles though, and no lye present. :yay:

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I once made a 100% OO soap and it was slimy. I did another batch with 90% oo and 10% castor and what a difference it made when cutting down on that slimy lather feel. Unfortunately, for me those castille soaps make my skin feel so dry. I don't know why either since they are supposed to be so mild. :confused:

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Oh I hate that slimy feeling. :P

This is why I won't ever up the OO percentages in my recipes for soap. I have got a few testers bars from ladies on this bar and can definitely tell who is using high percentages of Olive Oil or Olive Pomace. Its totally gross, IMO.

I know OO adds alot of moisturizing properties, but I cannot get by that dread slimy feel at all. Plus OO is getting expensive. I like the feel of a Shea bar, myself.

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I have very sensitive skin and I wouldn't dare try my soap on my skin. I use my BF for that. I did use it on my hands and I can say I do not like the all olive oil soap. It's slimy! YUK! I can see why most don't make it that way. BUT, it was my first successful CP and I am proud of it. IT didn't break me out, but I don't want my body to feel slimy. I did have bubbles though, and no lye present. :yay:

Put it away for about 3 months. Then get it back out and try it!

It MAY not be quite as slimy as it is now. AND if you need to knock someone out, just wail a bar at them!:yay:

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I agree with SYR about time.

I also believe that there is nothing better for your skin (soap wise) than a high percentage to 100% OO soap when you have skin issues. I'd take that slime and put it on the bad spots and let it sit there and swear that is one of the reasons my skin cleared up (excema) of course it could have been the oatmeal in the bar too, but regardless, it definitely did not make it worse like everything else did.

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OO Castille is supposed to be very nice for senstive skin. I'm not a big castille person, though. Haven't yet met a castille I really liked. Maybe I should try again. LOL. Castille needs a nice, looooong cure. Give it another month or so and try it again ;)

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