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Any idea what type of plastic these bags are?

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I got some bags, a different type than i have gotten before, at walmart. And they say Darico Craft designer 2X3 reclosable bags they were in the craft section. There are 100 per pkg and are super cheap. Does anyone happen to use these or know if they are the polypro or polyethylene. Will they suck the scent, or are they safe? Thanks so much!

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This came up before I believe and someone said they are polyethylene, not polypro. They don't feel the same as the polypro bags either.

I have used them for ornies and bath teas with no problems. Tarts are another story, within a month or so there was a drastic difference in the cold throw of the ones stored in the Walmart bags versus the polypro bags. So they definitely sucked the scent out of wax products. IMO:)

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