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SCV Soy Wicks -- Canadian Supplier

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I purchased some Self Centering Votive wicks especially for Soy wax from Village & Craft. I made some votives using:

1 - Village & Craft Votive Soy Wax: with Monkey Farts FO - no colour.


2 - Canwax Eco soy PB Pillar: no FO's but with lavender colour.

My problem is that the votives burn about an 1" out. The melt pool doesn't reach the sides properly..

Has anyone else tried these wicks? Or is it the wax??

Am I better to use HTP wicks???

Help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shocked2:

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hmmm, well there has got to be a name to those wicks. Does the packaging say anything? A lot of sellers market their different types of cotton wicks as veggie wicks because they burn very hot. But they do still have their own name from the manufacturer. So I am not sure if I have tried those or not.

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Thank you for responding!!:)

From Village and Craft website, and on the invoice, these wicks are listed as

and on the package it's written:

Self Centering Votive - this typed, and Soy is written by hand..

So I guess they are HTP.... but that still doesn't solve my burning problem..

Ohhhhh my wicking nightmare begins....:shocked2:

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Another note:

If I look at the specifications on an HTP -52 wick from Canwax another Canadian supplier... the Pool Diamater is supposed to be 1.5 inches.

These Village & Craft wicks are barely making it to 1¼"..

sooooo in sum should I try HTP 62????

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Another note:

If I look at the specifications on an HTP -52 wick from Canwax another Canadian supplier... the Pool Diamater is supposed to be 1.5 inches.

These Village & Craft wicks are barely making it to 1¼"..

sooooo in sum should I try HTP 62????

For wick testing you should have an assortment of sizes on hand to find the right one. So yes, either try celicagtca's suggestion of HTP 73, or better yet test on your own and wick up until you arrive at the solution that works the way you like.

Mostly I'm making this post to point out that you can't go by the pool size specifications. They come up with those based a standard test procedure using a standard (paraffin) wax, but it doesn't apply to your wax and candle formulation. The purpose of it is only to compare different wicks and it doesn't even work too well for that because the test results often come from different sources.

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Thank you soooooooooo much for the advice!!! :) I'm off to prepare a nice little wick and wick tab order!! As I am using Soy Wax I'll order a little bit of each size, and test until I get it right!! First I'll try with the HTP wicks as this seems to be the main for soy???.. or so I've read!!

I've read sooooooooo much in the last few weeks, that my head is spinning here, especially where wicks are concerned, but I'm learning!!:yes:

I'm so pleased that I've found this forum too. You guys and gals are all super!! :bliss:

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