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Adding Pictures, Text, etc. on Pillars

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I have been told there is Computer Software available to add Pictures, Text, Poems, etc. on Pillar Candles & that there is special paper for doing this.

Does anyone know what the Software Program is called & where it can be found, same on the paper?



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Be sure to select the correct decal paper. They have it for laser and for ink jet printers. You may want to get the white paper since ink jet printers can't print white. I bought the clear not realizing this might be a problem.

You can use the clear with ink jet if you use it on a white candle. The clear should only be used on white candles because anything that is white in your graphics or photos will print out as clear. Then if you put in on a colored candle, the color of the candle will show through in those areas.

This water slide decal paper can be tricky to work with. If you let it set to long in the water the plastic will come off of the paper and that decal is ruined. Also when you apply the decal be very careful it will wrinkle or tear, this product is thinner than plastic wrap.

If you want to try water slide decals, before you order it, you can find it at Michales, Hobby Lobby and hobby stores. You can find it in the model car section. It will most likely be Testors brand and come in both clear & white. The size will be 1/2 sheet 5.5" X 8.5" in a pack of 6.

Here is what you would look for in the craft stores http://www.testors.com/catalog_item.asp?itemNbr=2290

This is higher priced, but this gives you a chance to try it before you order it.

Hopes this helps, Candle Man

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HI,,I had asked this same question and it was Donita that said she did hers with rice paper,,,I cant remember the site she sent me sorry (had to re-do my computer and lost some stuff) ,,you may want to seek her out in the members list,,HTH

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