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Crayon Candles?

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My brother's room is done in Spider-Man and my mom wants candles in there, but doesn't want them to have a wick because he's already a little pyro. So I know that crayon shavings can clog the wick, but if there is no wick and they are just for decoration with no scent, would this be okay?

I just plan on melting the wax, taking a few blue and red crayon shavings or chunks and pouring the molten wax over this little crayon mixture. Would this be safe? They'll be pillar type candles, but just colorful ones.

Anyone ever done this?

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Pretty much. I'm may add a kid friendly scent like bubblegum or something along those lines. I didn't think there would be a problem, but seeing as how I'm very new to all of this...I don't want to start something and end up with a dangerous product in the hands of a seven year old.

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I might try that. Oh and I have one more question...lol. I'm full of those lately.

Say I wanted to make several small "crayon candles" to put in a bowl for show and scent but no flame. You know the tiny cupcake pans? They are extremely small. Would they be safe to use as molds?

I don't plan on making tarts as the moment, so I hate to spend MORE money than I already have on a mold.

If the cupcake is not safe, I guess my CC can stand a little more charge...lol.

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Yes they are metal. They are also extremely cheap at my local Wal-Mart so that's a plus. It's a pretty thick metal so I'm thinking no problems. I'll be trying this later today, so I'll have to post a picture and get a few opinions on the look. I'm going to try a few without scent because my FO's aren't in yet. If they work without it, then I'll be alright. I might try them with FO's at a later date.

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My poor bank account got quite a hit from Ebay over the past few days. Oh and the Classifieds from here...lol. Good thing I got loads of money for Christmas. Haha

I've got FO's and wax and wicks and jars and a bunch of other things on the way to my house as we speak...lol.

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If I used my wages, my bank account would be non existent. I really hope your hourly wages are more than mine or you making some huge tips. As of this point (and keep in mind this is WITH the raise I got a few weeks ago), I only make $2.15 an hour. I usually average about $40-$50 on weeknights and almost a hundred on weekends. But a good portion of that goes to my car and college fund. I usually have about a hundred left over to do whatever with so that will be my candle making fund...lol.

Are there any scents you would recommend for this type of thing other than bubblegum? I'm looking through Peaks now and nothing is jumping at me.

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omg dont know what that is in £ but i get £5.05 an hour and i work bout 30 hrs a week.

we dont get our own tips we share them which is a good and bad thing at the same time as the ones who just sit on a$$ and do nothing still get the same as the staff who work their a$$ off but hey the kitchen is downstairs where i work so i get to keep fit

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I will definately be trying vanilla because I already have it ordered...lol.

Thanks for all you help and I'm off to get ready to babysit. If anyone else has any input or advice for this, that would be great. Just need to get a consensus to make sure I'm not crazy for trying this...lol.

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