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To gel or not to gel, that is the question. :)

Grumpy Girl

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If you have a soap batch that doesn't go through the gel stage, how does it effect the finished product or does it at all? Do you try to avoid gel stage with your soap and if so, why.

All my soap batches so far have gelled, but one batch tonight never did and I'm wondering what the difference will be, if there even is one. I didn't CPOP like I generally do because DH was cooking dinner and using the oven, so I made sure I insulated it well, and took a peek about three hours later and it hadn't done a thing. I soaped it cool, at about 100 degrees, which is my normal temp. Maybe I should kick it up about 10 degrees next time.

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Yes, I force gel on mine (oven). I keep my house pretty cool so it is hard for me to get a good gel on them if I don't. (This isn't good for production, though - oven is only so big...)

Full gel helps get the color even throughout as well.

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To gell or not to gell is really just a personal preference. I don't want my soaps to gell, as I use 100% goat's milk for my liquid and if they gell they get a bit darker than an ivory color. My soaps aren't caulky because they don't gell! I think that comes from the type of oils you use in your recipe. :cool2:

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Most of my soaps are 100% milk. I soap at RT and most of them I do gel. There are some that no matter what I do, won't gel.. which is fine by me.

IMHO, an ungelled soap is creamier, however that may be from the milk. It will also take longer to cure. It will stay softer longer as well.

I think it is totally a personal preference whether or not to gel.

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