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Rename RE Red Maple Leaf


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I need to pick your brains please. I poured RE Red Maple Leaf a while ago and while it's not earth shatteringly awesome, I do like it and my testers have given positive feedback. I already have a few different "fall foliage" and "fallen leaves" type scents/names, so I really need a rename for this. Besides, I'm not even sure I'd describe it as a crunchy maple leaf scent, anyways. I'm struggling to come up with something on this though. 


Here is is the description from the website:


A pleasantly earthen scent reminiscent of woodland hikes atop crunchy, dried leaves. This beautiful fragrance oil has top notes of Maple-wood with middle notes of light New Dawn blossoms, laurel and sweet clove, balanced and rounded with base notes of balsam, patchouli and romantic sandalwood.
Please help! Thanks in advance. 
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47 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

do the balsam notes come out much or is it mostly earthy ? If you didn't know what FO it is, what comes to mind first when you smell the candle ?

It kind of smells like men's cologne to me. Comforting in a way (?) but a definite cologne scent. I couldn't get an answer from my boyfriend about what he smelled when he walked in either. I just can't put my finger on what I'm smelling. 


Edited to add: I wouldn't call it earthy though. Maybe somewhere in there, but not to my nose. No patch jumping out at me and I'd say no specific balsam either. 

Edited by Lana
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46 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

not really good at coming up with names but the description says woodland hikes - so how bout something like that or just Woodland 

Thanks! I have a Woodland Spice and a Woodland Foliage. I also have a Fallen Leaves type I really like and several forestry types and pine types I love. Maybe this is a sign that I have enough outdoorsy Fall scents! Also, maybe there's a reason this has no reviews or anything. 


UGH. My FO addiction is real. 

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8 hours ago, Siren12 said:

If it smells like cologne you could do a "man" scent  and rename it Lumberjack or Outdoorsman?  


Now why didn't I think of that?!? Thank you, I can probably work with that and at least not let it go to waste. Everyone's is different, so even if I'm not blown away by it, maybe others will be. Something like Outdoorsman could work. Thanks a lot! :)

Edited by Lana
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