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Website Hosting


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I have gotten back into making candles and tarts again and I am looking to get a website setup. I used to use DIY e stores and loved everything about how it works. I know they have closed down now. Do any of you have any suggestions on a website host that works like the DIY e store  does? I looked at Dj doodles and prim DIY hosting because they are a lot like the one I used to use but neither one of them are accepting new clients right now. I really appreciate any help you might have.

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Do you use Square to take CC payments? If so, you can use them to create your own website for free. Its not a fancy website, just one page but it does have some really nice perks. I tried it and had no problem loading all my products plus adding in a calender for my markets and craft shows. Its completely free and you get your money the same way you do using Square. You only pay the Square % and .30 trans fee per transaction.


I've been using it this past year and liked it so much I closed down my regular website and just use my square website now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hopefully I don't get yelled at for this but here goes:


I own my own web hosting business/dedicated server space.  Being technical minded, I used Presta Shop software to create my own website on my server.  I utilize Paypal for payment processing so no customer credit card data is stored or passes through my servers.  Presta Shop was somewhat easy to configure and get operational. The administrative interface is powerful however it does have some points that could be better, especially when it comes to product configurations.  I like how powerful PrestaShop is and prefer it over SquareSpace to be honest, and since I own my own server, it's cheaper than utilizing Square.


Good luck !

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all. Best way for those not so familiar with technology today probably is Shopify. Plans starting from $30/month, and you do not need any webhosting or anything else (except the domain, even though you can have it without that as well). Try 14 day free trial.


Great templates are for free, and you have friendly backend with order management. You can easily connect CC payments (basically one click).



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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/12/2016 at 4:46 PM, David Fields said:

Shopify works great for us. Been using it for almost two years. No problems. Easy to set up. nice designs. You can check out our site if you have questions.




David Fields you have a great products and pricing, but your template is not the best, imagery does not fit in my opinion. Why not consider changing it? 


You should also migrate to https, shopify provides you that for free. Also placing other proof elements would increase the conversion.


Most important - place facebook and adwords retargeting pixel - this way you will be able to retarget users who did not purchase in their first visit. A lot of money on the table.


Take a look also for the apps! Upsell after add to cart for example..


Good luck


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I use WIX


I really like it, I can DIY and it's drag and drop (meaning you just move stuff around and don't have to learn or know coding.) I am working on it this week to fine tune a couple of things like back ground color, etc.) but my soap making one is here mayamadesoap.com and the magazine one I created is here: cenizojournal.com I got a TON of good advice here about good websites just from reading.

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Oilphoria, thanks for the advice. We have looked at changing things on the site, but to be honest, we just have not had the time. Roughly 60% of our revenue comes from our retail store, 30% from wholesale and 10% from our website. The site works for us right now. It's sort of a "don't fix what ain't broke" thing. Our website brings in a little under 50k/yr in sales. So, most of our time and attention at this time is spent on the larger revenue generators. Fixing/tweeking our website is a backburner issue.

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