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Back to C3 - Candlewic - Tangerine and Peach and Fillmore Cranberry Citrus

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Tonight I poured in C3 wax - Tangerine and Peach from Candlewic and Fillmore Cranberry Citrus at 7%. I used dye chips for both applications. Trying to wick this in an 8 oz jelly jar.


I tried the Premier wicks in the past and they were so/so. Tried Eco wicks and they would always flop right over into my wax no matter what size I used. CDs are ok but I get a lot of soot with those. CD 10 seems to be the best fit. I used to use cotton core wicks with my 415. I just purchased some 51-32-18 Paper core wicks from Candles and Supplies on my last visit. May give them a try.


Can anyone offer any other insight? I really liked the ecos and wanted them to work but it just isn't going to happen. The premier wicks I never felt like I found the right combo. 765 was too big and so was 767. 760 was not producing a great melt pool and neither did 755.


Thank you in advance for any help that you can provide me.


This cranberry citrus screams "The Holidays are Coming"....I love absolutely love it.

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