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I've got a burning question...

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I have been testing and testing and just had a thought/question. I am using C3 and have been testing various wick sizes. I am noticing on some of the testers the flame gets a little big and wild, yet the wax is slightly adhering to the jar. I'm confused by this. If the wax isn't clearing off the sides, but the flame is looking a little too big, then if I size it down one, won't I have an even bigger problem with the burn pool?? So my thought is... if I go down a size, would the wax possibly do better because the large flame is burning the wax too fast therefore leaving a wax film on the jar? Does this make sense?



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Actually what you said makes perfect sense and you are right.  People think that tunneling candle is using to small of wick when that is not usually the case. A wick that is to large will burn up the wax faster and some times so fast it can not create a wax pool that is usually when you obvious tunneling. To small a wick will usually drown out in the wax pool it creates. 

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