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Christmas Cabernet FO

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Looking for a good Christmas Cabernet FO.  I had heard that Make Scents has a good one, it is even listed by Fragrance Oil Finder, but it is not on the website.  I have sent an email to them asking about it, but haven't heard back.  What are your thoughts on this company, I've never ordered from them before.  And what FO in this scent can you recommend?

Thanks in Advance.


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I've used the one from Lonestar in my palm candles before. Used to have an account with a vineyard and made them wine scented candles. I really liked the Christmas Cabernet the best out of all their wine FOs.


But its the only one I have used so I can't compare it to others. But the one from Lonestar was very nice in my palm candles.

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