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Roylaura, I have only recently started experimenting with this wax based on posts from this forum, so I do have limited experience. However, I have had some recent wins with the LX wicks as well. More specifically J223 with an LX 20, no color, 6 percent fragrance in a 16 oz wide mouth mason. The zincs definitly do well also, but I have definitly had a good outcome with this combination and am happy to finally be able to share a success!!

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Awwww... the soot!! I have to agree I tended to like my parasoy candles better for the same reason. But using one of the J waxes as your paraffin makes a really good parasoy.


Nancy-- I tried LX wicks in J223. The wicks burn lovely in the wax but I just didn't get the great hot throw I get with zincs. Maybe you have better luck but I couldn't get past the poor HT in my candles.


I do have good HT using LX in pillars though with either paraffin or parasoy waxes.

Edited by Candybee
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Candybee, In retrospect, the fragrance in my successful candle was "Tobacco" from Aztec, and it's been a fragrance that's just amazing all the way around. :) I have been practicing with blending 6006 with some additional soy based on recommendations from this forum and you are so right! Much less sooting!

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Awwww... the soot!! I have to agree I tended to like my parasoy candles better for the same reason. But using one of the J waxes as your paraffin makes a really good parasoy.

Nancy-- I tried LX wicks in J223. The wicks burn lovely in the wax but I just didn't get the great hot throw I get with zincs. Maybe you have better luck but I couldn't get past the poor HT in my candles.

I do have good HT using LX in pillars though with either paraffin or parasoy waxes.

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