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Wax Issues

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Now that will happen to me if I pour too cool.....what temperature did you pour at?  Is that 464?44


If you do a second pour, it should be good to go.


Well anyway, I love love that rust color!  lol



Edited by Trappeur
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Guest OldGlory

I don't use 4627, and don't know who does. I'm sure some people on the board do. That's why you're not getting many responses to the 4627 questions.

Give it a little more time. People are busy with families and holidays right now.

Edited by OldGlory
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Candle guy, that is just the nature of the beast as far as frosting goes with colored soy candles.  So you either embrace it or get a frosted jar...sorry...lol


That is the reason why I went au naturelle.


Keep playing around with your pour temperatures.  I'd pour a little bit hotter if it were me.  All directions from suppliers are just a guide line of the whereabouts of how hot or cool they recommend to pour.  Things come into play also if you are using any additives like you are using dye....You just have to experiment and test, test, test! lol



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Thank you very much! I definitely will agree with you on finding the right temp and suppliers.I have pretty much come to that conclusion lol. Embracing the frost is soooooooo tough to do hahaha but you have a great point though. I should go dye free because it will really save me headaches. Well thanks again Trappeur and back to testing testing testing. Have a great day

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I understand that it is close to the holidays and believe me I work my butt off around this time of year. I am not trying to be pushy so sorry if I am coming across like that. I value everyone's input. I am the kind of person who wants to perfect my craft and I am very detail oriented. I have researched all over believe me on tricks and tips. Wisdom is the key lol. I just wish that I was in a position to help others out like you guys do for all of us. Thanks for tolerating me hahahaha

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