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candle making mommy

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Hello! I'm a newbie to the candle making world :) I absolutely love making clamshell tarts, however I cannot get a good ht. Im currently using eco soya pb. I've tried mixing with the 6006 but still no luck. Im heating my wax to 185 and then add my fo. I pour the wax around 150-160. Im using fo's from cs and Aztec. Most of my potential customers want a very strong ht. Im getting ready to order some new wax this evening. Also the pb is cracking on me. Please help. Does anyone suggest a better wax or wax combo than what I'm using.

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What wattage is your melter? Is it a light bulb style? 2-piece hot plate style? 

The wattage and type of your melter will affect the throw as much as the wax and amount of scent. 


There is a very good thread here that will help explain it. If I can find it again, I'll link it. 

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I use ecosoya pb and mix it with ecosoya xcel and get great results.    How long did you cure them?  I usually wait a week to test them.  A lot of us here use different waxes and get different results. 

I heat the wax to 185 also and pour lower than 150 degrees.  The pouring temperature depends on what the container can handle, it doesn't have much to do with the end product.

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That's why we test test and then test some more.   It can take awhile to find the wax that works for you. It can be a frustrating process but it feels so good when you find one that works.  There are some here who use just the ecosoya pb alone and they have wonderful results where it didn't work well alone for me. I added the xcel and bam!  I found the mix for me. :) 

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haha! I am the same way. Both my customers and I like the melts to blow the doors off the house! They are not interested in soft and subtle.


I agree with Suzy. I tested every kind of wax I could buy (Peak sells small 2 pounds samples of many waxes which is MUCH better than the 10 pounds of each I had been buying for test!) and in innumerable combinations and percentages until I landed on one that, for me, was just right.


Keep experimenting and you will do exactly the same!

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Guest OldGlory

You listed 2 fragrances I am very familiar with - Sweet Pot. & Brown Sugar and Hot Apple Pie. And I have to tell you - if Hot Apple Pie isn't blowing off your doors, there is a huge problem. And I don't think it has anything to do with your wax! I use both in 6006 and in 464, and I ended up blending more 464 into 6006 later. I got GREAT hot throw in all 3 combinations of wax. To me, you can't stop this FO.

So, here's my suggestion - get 5 lbs of 464 and a slab of 4625. I would figure at least 4 different ways to work with these 2 waxes, like do one set with all 464, one set with 25% soy and 75% 4625, one set with 75% 464 and 25% 4625, maybe an extra set with 50/50, and finally one set with all 4625. That's 5 ways. Let them sit for a week before you melt them. And use the Hot Apple Pie, because I know this FO will work.

And please give some to friends who will give you honest answers when you ask them how they feel the melts performed.

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Guest OldGlory

Yes, I would use a UV additive.

You just have to be careful what temperature you pour at. I don't know where you are buying your clamshells and what type of plastic they are. Ask the company you are buying the clams from what is the maximum temperature you can use to pour your wax.

You are going to spend a lot of money and time finding what works for you, so take good notes along the way. You don't want to make the same mistake twice.

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Guest OldGlory

Here's what I would do:

I would take one fragrance that I know SHOULD work, like Hot Apple Pie from Aztec, and I would try it in every combination. Use small quantities, measure your FO in grams. Let the test melts sit for a minimum of 7 days. After a week, start testing and keep notes.

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Guest OldGlory

Just to be clear, my last suggestion was to test which wax combination works best for you with an FO that I know will throw. There's a lot more testing in your future!

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