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Sweet potato & brow sugar


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from Aztec. Well, what a let down; can't think of what went wrong. The wax melt started off great, but within an hour the scent began to morph, just awful.

DH comes home and starts checking all over the place, thinking there is an electrical fire somewhere. Gets close to the warmer and... ta-da! Said he hoped I would not even think of selling those, unless, of course, some customers enjoy thinking there's plastic burning somewhere in their homes.

Will try AH's version; better luck, I hope.

Anyone experienced similar results with the Aztec's version of SP&BS?

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I have some from ebay and then I bought a bottle from NG. I haven't noticed a burnt note but that doesn't mean anything. I can't smell right now! I was a little disappointed with the strength though.

How would you compare that to candied yams from LS? Is candied yams better and worth placing an order?

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I have some from ebay and then I bought a bottle from NG. I haven't noticed a burnt note but that doesn't mean anything. I can't smell right now! I was a little disappointed with the strength though.

How would you compare that to candied yams from LS? Is candied yams better and worth placing an order?

Yes, yes, yes! I love LS's Candied Yams and most customers love it (perhaps more than I do, lol). I did change the name, though.

Imho (and reviewers'), it is way better than SP&BS. Bit odd, really, because in my experience most of the oils from LS never did impress me that much, but there are some I simply must carry or mayhem will ensue, lol. These are Autumn lodge, Home sweet home, Dicken's Christmas, Apple hot baked pie, Pumpkin pie spice and now the latest addition, Cranberry Kettle Corn (not one of my favorites, for sure, but if customers like it and request it, why not? :wink2:).

Edited by Ravens
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Not, candied yams again!!! Don't get her started!!!! Ravens loves her some LS Candied Yams!

:laugh2::laugh2:Ooops, sorry, ktaggard; I just remembered that I went on and on about Candied yams not that long ago. It's all Belinda's fault, really! :P

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Belinda, I will gladly send you a 1oz. sample; let me know. I would hate to learn that you ordered it and wondered why I sang its praises when, in your opinion, it is "blah".

Oh, but Candied yams is so yummy good and throws great.

P.S. Always happy to enable :naughty:

LOL! I'll take the blame. Anything to have an excuse to try a new FO!

Of course you know I'll have to blame Ravens for telling how good it is and therefore MAKING me order some!

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That's really sweet of you but like most on here I never pass up a reason to HAVE to order new FO's LOL!

I completely trust your judgement and if I do think it's blah then I'll send you the bill! LOL! Not really. I'd just send you the rest of it!

I'm like you though, of the ones I've tried I wasn't very impressed with many of them. Is their apple pie better than most? I need a good apple pie!

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Never had much success with apple scents, but the LS Apple hot baked pie is really good. It has a "true" aroma of apple pie just taken out of the oven. May I suggest adding it to your LS list? :wink2:

Speaking of LS fragrances, have you ever tried their Yuletide? Omg, what a pukey FO that is to my nose! It's like sniffing an old pine cone, nothing Christmas-like for me - at all.


That's really sweet of you but like most on here I never pass up a reason to HAVE to order new FO's LOL!

I completely trust your judgement and if I do think it's blah then I'll send you the bill! LOL! Not really. I'd just send you the rest of it!

I'm like you though, of the ones I've tried I wasn't very impressed with many of them. Is their apple pie better than most? I need a good apple pie!

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Never had much success with apple scents, but the LS Apple hot baked pie is really good. It has a "true" aroma of apple pie just taken out of the oven. May I suggest adding it to your LS list? :wink2:

Speaking of LS fragrances, have you ever tried their Yuletide? Omg, what a pukey FO that is to my nose! It's like sniffing an old pine cone, nothing Christmas-like for me - at all.


I will defiantly put a bottle of their apple pie in my cart! I've had a hard time finding a good one.

I'm glad you told me about the Yuletide. I'm hung up on finding the "perfect" Christmas/holiday scent and with a name like that I was bound to order some! LOL!

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