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Possible Allery to FO ??


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Ok so this may sound strange, my 1 year old this morning starting whining and getting a really weird red rash all over his face and body. It looked as though he was smacked in a bunch of spots. Just before that I popped in a Spiced Orange scent shot which FILLED the air, it was in the room next to where he was. I took him upstairs to his bedroom and his skin cleared up - took him back downstairs and the spots came back after about 15 minutes. Is it possible to have an allergic reaction like to a FO like this. There is no EO in it. And if so what does this mean then? that he has an allergy to citrus?? Any input would be appreciated thanks!

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Of course its possible for him to have an allergic or violent reaction to a FO. BTW many FOs do contain EOs but that would not necessarily be the cause. It could just be this particular FO or a particular component of the oil. This FO sounds like one you will just have to do without in any case. Hopefully its just the one.

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You are welcome!

Do you burn melts often or occasionally. Has he had any reaction to others or is this the first one he has been exposed to? Remember that melts have a stronger scent throw than most candles. At least in my experience they do.

I rarely burn melts anymore except on a holiday as some scents will actually make my housecats sick as in they may vomit. So I learned the hard way that the scent can cause a violent reaction because of their sensitivity. I can see this happening easily to a baby or young child or anyone sensitive to strong scents.

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My 12 year old has same thing with honeysuckle f.o. it makes him stuffy and he starts breaking out with eczema type hive rash within 10 min. I had been burning a small candle in his room to freshen up the air so his room was quite fragrant. He also has seasonal allergies. Within 20 min of me taking him out his rash cleared. We repeated it to make sure and it did reappear.

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I know several people who suffer from a fragrance allergy - and this is nothing that excusively essential oils are responsible fro. Just think of all the chemicals in FOs. These people have a lot of problems, cannot go to malls etc. because everywhere there is fragrance. We are exposed to a lot of toxic stuff, I'm afraid ( not to say fos are toxic, well, they aren't healthy either, right?)

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