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Mia Bella Candles


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I have possible wholesale account. The lady used to be a Mia Bella seller. She bought one of my candles and loved it but she said the Mia Bella were stronger.

I use straight container palm wax she said that was what Mia Bella uses. I told her that some fragrances are just a little more subtle than some. She said that Mia Bella says their candles are triple scented and asked if I would be willing to make some up that are triple scented. I explained to her that it is marketing hype and that mine are actually double scented because I use 6% FO and that manufacturers recommend 3%.

She is planning on ordering from me and willing to work with me. She was so worried that I would be offended and I really wasn't but..........

Long story short does anyone know what wax blend Mia Bella uses or why their candles are so great?

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i don't know what type of blend they use..

but..i would not start trying to make candles the way she thinks they should be made..

if she once sold them..why did she stop?..if she liked them so well, she could have continued buying for her own use..

the bella candles that i have smelled do not smell nearly as good as the ones i make..but that is my own opinion..

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I did ask her why she stopped selling them and she said there were a few reasons....one being the packaging did not thrill her and she loves the way my jars look. Then she liked my variety of fragrances and I checked their site and seem to have a good variety. I think the main thing is that I am local and her shop is geared more towards local artists.

I think I might buy one to see what the hype is all about. I was just wondering if anyone here had an idea what was so great about them.

If anyone else has any input.....I am all ears.

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I believe it all depends on how the FO works with the wax. There are some aromas (Berries) that throw wonderfully well in any medium. But then you can get a strawberry from one supplier that is dynamite - and another from a different supplier (who has a different manufacturer) that will be a dud. It all depends on how lucky you get.

Asking for recs here is great - but I usually only went with the FOs that people mentioned worked in the same wax I use.

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I told her I have spent thousands on testing from many different suppliers and that only about 10% of the FOs I test are keepers. I also tried to explain how the whole triple scented marketing hype is just that, "hype".

That being said she still wants to give my candles a try and plans on ordering after I send her some samples of my FOs. So that is a plus. She says she has quite a following of people who still ask her for candles so I guess I will see how it goes.

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Go get 'em Patty!!! Once you capture a new customer...it is all good! It takes one to purchase and others will follow....hopefully you will capture all of her other old customers! :) This last week (Friday), I had a co-worker purchase a pomegranate cider (CS) candle from me and Monday this week she said that she will never buy another Yankee, Virginia, Scentsy or buy from any other candle seller...she was always going to buy mine from now on...well a person who was standing there while she was raving about the candle came and bought one from me too! Once you get someone to try your product they will be sold. Wishing you all the best, I hope she becomes a very prolific buyer from you!! :)

Edited by puma52
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