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How much insider info do you give?


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Hello there,

this year I decided to sell candle making supplies as well as here in Germany or Europe on the whole there aren't so many of these shops (well, there aren't so many people making candles at home as there are in the US, but their number is growing).

So I have a customer who ordered some wax and one fragrance oil from me and she apparently is addicted now:wink2:. Yesterday she wrote me an email saying she wanted to start a business for wax tarts as her family is so enthusiastic about the tarts/melts she has made so far. Ooooookay!, I thought. She asked me how much discount I could give her if she ordered more wax (in fact she asked about the discount for 100 kg wax - quite a few tarts that she can make of 100 kg wax), wanted to know where I got my wax from, where I got my ziplock bags from, where I got my fragrance oils from etc.

I surely don't tell her who my suppliers are (or do you tell your customers such things?) and to be honest I don't know what to think about these people. On the one hand I should be glad if she becomes as addicted to candle making as I became years ago (and spent really large amounts of monesy for all those Fos etc....you can relate, can't you?) but on the other hand I am more than astonished how blue-eyed some people plan their business. She cannot even find a supplier for ziplock bags on the internet (I told her what to google for, but she said she couldn't find a shop selling exactly the same ziplocks that I have) and only because she has processed a pound of wax she wants to open a shop?

Maybe I am just a bit pissed off because she might become my competition? Maybe I am just a bit pissed off because I know how much time and money it costs to produce really good candles? I guess I have a weird attitude....have you ever experienced something similar?

Good night,


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You do not have a weird attitude. I get this ALL THE TIME and I tell people that say they want to start a business that even if I give them all of my supplier info, it will take much time and money to invest in producing a quality product. I explain the process of testing each FO, wick and application and while I'm explaining that, their eyes usually glaze over and I know they're not serious about it.. I'm talking candles, which may be a little different, but still... same principle. I don't let it bother me any more. I know the chances of them actually following through and sticking with it are very slim.

The only supplier name I give out is one that I'm an affiliate with.

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I don't give out any info. none. lol. Well maybe a little on this board but that's it. People ask me how to make something and I tell them it's all secret. lol. I've spent months researching my products. I think it's so rude to for people to ask. It's not like I am going to walk into a famous restaurant and ask for their recipe and have them say "oh sure, here you go" lol.

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Guest OldGlory

Oh yes, this happens all the time where I live. People have no shame. And they get indignant about it - I had one person say, "If you can't tell me if your candles are safe to use as lotion candles then you aren't using real soy wax." I was trying to explain that not all fragrance oils are skin safe regardless of the wax. She left angry, in a huff. Customers get their heads filled with all sorts stuff that simply isn't true.

For the people who want me to tell me HOW to make the stuff I make, I tell them I offer classes once a month on a Tuesday night (as an example) and that the fee for the class is $250 per person. For the people who ask where I get my supplies I ask them where they have looked for supplies. Because we all know you can find anything on the internet. Most likely, they are surprised by the cost of supplies and hope they can find a cheaper supplier.

You are not obligated to give away any info.

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Thanks again for letting me know how you handle this problem!

Yesterday this customer of mine ordered a box of wax (about 22 kg) but no fragrance oils. I guess she found another supplier for that - so she did find one supplier at least.

BTW: do people book your workshops? Here nobody would pay that much for a candle making workshop. I'm doing soap making classes but these are organized by our adult education centre so they only pay € 10 - 15 for 2,5 hours + about € 15,- for materials. I'm paid by the hour and I keep th money for materials (that I provide, of course) and that is fine for me.

People have money for cigarettes, holidays, several cars, eating out etc....so nothing is left for activities like a candle making workshop.

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Guest OldGlory

Nobody has ever booked one of my classes. Good thing, because I would never invite these people to my home to have a class, lol! They would be there all hours of the day asking for more info.

One summer I posted a sign at my booth that said I would teach people to make a different product for $2500, it would be 4 classes over 4 months. People stopped asking me how to make the stuff. Sign worked! That was my goal.

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