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Rain on dry earth


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If you were looking for a scent that would be closest to rain on dry earth. Like after a dry spell, not floral or perfumey, which would would you choose:

NG Torrential or Brambleberry Kentish Rain............or something else? Thanks so much!!

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Sorry you're going to open this thinking there's a response, but I would be tempted to try a blend of Rare Earth and Spring Rain or a rain scent. Otherwise what an interesting scent that ought to be. I haven't tried the two FOs you listed, so can't answer on that.

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TRUE rain smell will send you on a never ending quest.

The smell of rain is subjective. The environmental particulates the water droplets pick up -- and how they react when falling on hot pavement, soil, etc will create different smells to different people.

I'd reccomend a leather FO possibly paired with an earth/soil fragrance. As for the metallic aspect might try exploring Salty Mariner in trace amount. For the dryness maybe a hint of vanilla or sandalwood.

I see some experimenting in your future. Whatever you decide... best of luck.

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No thoughts on a true rain. The one I used to like was carried by pourette a long time ago, but even then it had floral notes to it.

However, I wonder if Rare Earth could drown out the floral of Spring Rain ... probably not lol. So what aquatic scents are out there missing the salty notes.

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Whenever I read about Kentish Rain its always good reviews. Haven't tried it myself but based on reviews I would have no problems ordering it. Most agree its a "fresh" and "clean" type. Don't know if it has any florals. But a good clean scent is always popular.

I myself use CS Rain Water for soap and candles. Doesn't smell like rain to me but customers love it. It does have floral notes in it but to me rain should have floral, earth, and ozone notes in it.

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Guest OldGlory

I have been mulling this idea over for a few days now... in my mind I imagine something humid, warm, and earthy. Maybe I've lived in the south too long.

What I come up with is a bit of ozone because you'll need something not overly distinctive as a top note (or maybe a bamboo or a cucumber),

a grassy and/or hay small (could also use a sage type scent with this) in the middle,

and something woody/earthy like an amber, sandalwood, maybe even a vetiver (which I personally loathe, but hey..) as your base, and I would choose a heavier base for the dry earth vibe. I'm a huge patchouli fan, but I think it would be too sharp in this application.

I love Aztec's Rain but it is very Jasmine-y, a sweet floral. And it's a really big seller for my small wholesalers.

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Well, I spent a whole morning doing the q-tip thing and the biggest conclusion I came up with is that I'm not the best at mixing scents. I have a whole new respect for perfumers ha ha. Plus, until I actually pour candles with the combined scents, I'm not sure how it will be since some scents give off a stronger scent when burned. I have Kentish rain ordered and haven't received it yet but I may try that with a touch of WSP Dirt. I have noticed that some scents that are usually really strong on their own, when combined, almost cancel each other out and neither gives off much scent. I have no idea how to explain that one. Like I said, a whole new respect for perfumers.

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I know what you mean on the cancelling out. Perhaps in the mixes you have FOs that are too similar in components and might looking at trying opposite compositions in your mixes if that makes sense. Vanilla typically dumbs down a fragrance, might make it creamier depending on the dose. Patch and sandalwood tend to smooth out fragrances, but can add a much earthier note depending on doses. Citruses tend to need a bulk of the percentage just to retain notes if mixing with earthier scents. I don't know if that makes sense to you or not. Ambers tend to lend a hint of seduction or mystery dependent on the amber and the mix. It could just be that you are missing some key notes to tie things together, but without mixing this and knowing what you have, it would be hard for me to say oh let's try this or that etc.

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