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Furious and must vent!

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So I am exhausted from pouring candles 12 hours a day for three straight weeks getting ready for my first show. I've encountered little issues I've worked around - things I've not seen before or had forgotten I had.

But I'm frustrated now.

So, I have certain FOs that will just NOT blend into the wax. (4627). BCN's Pecan Praline, CS's Hansel and Gretel's House, CS's Cinnamon Bun. I can stir at 190F, 185F, 180F, for a few minutes or MUCH longer and there's still little beads of FO in there.

So of course, what's my last pour of each day? Clamshells. So, what am I pouring into the clamshells? The bottom of the pot. What's there? All the stupid FO that I couldn't get stirred into the wax.

Yes, I know, I shouldn't have poured it, or I should have found a different wax, or SOMETHING. (Hush) But I did. And just now, I had the wax/FO mixture eat my clamshells. :angry2: Shame on me, I should have known it would do that.

But I'm too frustrated to care. And I just realized as I type this that, as I cleaned up I must have rubbed my nose, because I have a burning spot on it that smells strongly of cinnamon.

Ugh. Thanks for letting me vent.

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I've occasionally had FO's not mix with my wax over the years I've been making candles and I don't sweat it anymore. If they don't mix they go in the trash and I find another supplier. It's the pits when you get to the bottom of the pot and find all the FO, so I understand your frustration.

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I am sorry. Not only is it frustrating but up against a deadline can make you panicked as well.

I am heavy handed with the FO and on occasion have this problem. For me it is heavy oils in the vanilla family.

Sure hope you get resolution soon. Share your secret when you do!

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I am very surprised you had issues with the FOs from Candle Science, with that wax.

I use 4627 and have had the issues you've described in the past with another supplier.

I do use 4627 with CS's you've mentioned without issue.

I always heat my 4627 to 200, and let it cool. It seems to lend better when I take it up and then drop the temp.

Once it hits 190 I add my color, at 185 my FO, at around 170-175 I pour.

I keep it to 9% FO or less, the CS FO I keep at 6%.

I'm surprised you would use 4627 for clamshells though, would be a bit messy wouldn't it?


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my two cents... The oils you mentioned have vanalan (sp?) in them;it is an integral part of all vanilla type scents. Vanalan will separate is the FO gets cold (doesn't have to get really cold). To fix the problem gently heat the oil before using until the vanalan disappears back into the FO and then pour hotter than normal to keep it bound. You can also just not worry too much about it and toss the ooze in the bottom of your pouring pot. It is not useable for anything and will eat you clamshells and will not bind with wax in your pillars or containers. HTH

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The only times I've had FO not fully stir into the wax, or seep out after the fact, I was using too much FO because of a miscalculation. Which was probably because I was exhausted just like you are. How much FO are you using per pound of wax?

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So I am exhausted from pouring candles 12 hours a day for three straight weeks getting ready for my first show. I've encountered little issues I've worked around - things I've not seen before or had forgotten I had.

But I'm frustrated now.

So, I have certain FOs that will just NOT blend into the wax. (4627). BCN's Pecan Praline, CS's Hansel and Gretel's House, CS's Cinnamon Bun. I can stir at 190F, 185F, 180F, for a few minutes or MUCH longer and there's still little beads of FO in there.

So of course, what's my last pour of each day? Clamshells. So, what am I pouring into the clamshells? The bottom of the pot. What's there? All the stupid FO that I couldn't get stirred into the wax.

Yes, I know, I shouldn't have poured it, or I should have found a different wax, or SOMETHING. (Hush) But I did. And just now, I had the wax/FO mixture eat my clamshells. :angry2: Shame on me, I should have known it would do that.

But I'm too frustrated to care. And I just realized as I type this that, as I cleaned up I must have rubbed my nose, because I have a burning spot on it that smells strongly of cinnamon.

Ugh. Thanks for letting me vent.

I sent you a PM earlier today. I just checked and it shows its still in your inbox and remains unread. The message will be self explanatory.


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Use a few beads of vbar, add the FO at 185 and stir like crazy with a wire whisk. Let the bubbles dissipate after whisking and then pour.

I have read and read about vybar but have not used/tried. Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it as I know others will as well.

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