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I am a newbie and have not posted before, but have been absorbing all the good info from your posts. I have been making and testing candles using Ecosoya CB Advanced. I am getting quite a few candles with wet spots, some all the way around the top or bottom of the jar. What do you do with candles that have wet spots, do you try to sell them, do you put them in the reject pile? How do customers feel about wet spots. I'm really having a problem with this. Would appreciate your input.

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The first wax I started with was CB Advanced and I got HUGE wetspots. Preheating my jars helped somewhat but i then switched to c3 and the wetspots decreased by about 50%, then changed to comfort wax 4627 and haven't seen one since. I'm convinced it's because the nature of CB Advanced is to pull away from the jar. I really hated them, too, they were just so massive, sometimes it looked like the candle would pull right out of the container!

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I'm not familiar with comfort wax 4627 but I will check it out. The wet spots I have been getting with CB Advanced are huge and ugly. I have heard other posts that say to just ignore them, but I wouldn't want to buy a candle that looked like that. I have tried heating the jars but the spots show up days later, so I don't see that heating is helpful. Guess it's time to experiment with other waxes. The only other wax I have used is GW464, that was a disaster, the candle tops looked like 5 miles of bad road! I am determined to get this right, as I love making candles and hope to sell them at some point in the future. Thanks everyone.

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To JustJasen, G464 was the first wax I used but the tops looked terrible, like the surface of the moon, and I don't think even a heat gun could have fixed them. Are you happy about the way your candle tops look?

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