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I was wondering (once I am established) if etsy is a good site. I mean when I look into it the site there are carrying fees. Listing fees. Shipping costs. With all these extra fees, do you make anything? It seems like a scam to me, but I want some opinions. I mean ebay doesn't have fees other than shipping, but all sites have a shipping cost. I know you will be less successful on Ebay because most people want to buy supplies, not the item. Any opinions?

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I was wondering (once I am established) if etsy is a good site. I mean when I look into it the site there are carrying fees. Listing fees. Shipping costs. With all these extra fees, do you make anything? It seems like a scam to me, but I want some opinions. I mean ebay doesn't have fees other than shipping, but all sites have a shipping cost. I know you will be less successful on Ebay because most people want to buy supplies, not the item. Any opinions?

If you enter the word "Etsy" into the Search box on your upper-right corner of your screen, you'll find a lot of info about Etsy. First, try going to "Advanced Search" and then check the box for "thread titles only" so you can find threads about Etsy and not have to wade through all the non-Etsy-thread comments that come up.

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I mean ebay doesn't have fees other than shipping, but all sites have a shipping cost.

You are wrong there. There's no basic listing fees, but there are fees for certain auction/fixed price listing upgrades, there are final value fees, and since you're required to offer paypal as a payment option, if the customer pays with paypal, there are fees on the selling price + shipping - in other words the total amount they pay you.:tiptoe:

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If I remember from when I was on e-Bay you pay for every item you list and they take a % off your sale. You can also have a store with a basic monthly fee. e-Bay has a better shipping format.

Etsy charges a listing fee and a % on every sale. All these sites start out great but become greedy after a while. I am still with Etsy and right now they take 10% of my earnings. No need to say I am working on my own web site right now.

What I do not like with these feedback based sites is that buyers have more right than sellers and you are pretty much at the mercy of the buyers...no matter what you are always wrong!

Also the competition is fierce and the prices are a race to the bottom. Do a search on Etsy for the products you sell and that will give you an idea.

If you expect to build a customer base from Etsy or e-Bay you will be disappointed.

Edited by annie123
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Yes the feedback system on both sites can be bad. But I have sold on etsy for years and have not had that problem. As for etsy fees you have to adjust your prices to match the fees. The same with your shipping make sure you add a little extra for envelopes, boxes, packing tape ect. There is money to be made on etsy. You just need to find what sells best for you. As for ebay my friend sells on there She made 800.00 last month and had to payout over 300.00 in fees. to me that was way to much to pay for fees.

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I sell on Etsy and I love it. Like others have said, you have to adjust your prices so the fees don't hurt your business. I think they are reasonable but can get kind of high if you sell a lot. I also sell on another site (not ebay) and the fees are so much better but the customers just aren't there yet. Your customer pays for the shipping.

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