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The other day I was in the threads on etsy and a woman wanted to know information about making B & B items Well I gave her my two cents about how it could take a while with testing and all. I also told her how long it took me before I started selling my melts. (about a year) This other lady comes in and tells me a year it took me one day to have mine ready to sell your slow. So that tells me she must just slap the wax, EO's (is what she uses) into a clamshell and sells it without testing. I just don't get it. How can you sell an item without testing it. Thats just crazy. :undecided

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Taking 1 year to sell melts..does seem long, in my opinion, however, everyone does things differently. I wouldn't let her bother you, maybe she spent 48 hours straight testing melts? It's possible. ;) Who cares~ as long as we are developing a safe product.

I don't think taking one year to sell melts is long at all. It depends on your goals, how many FO's and waxes you want to test/mix/experiment with, how much time and money you have to develop and test your line, design your labels/packaging, get set up as a business, etc.

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I took my time tried different waxes and scents to see what I would liked and what worked the best for me. I am a very picky person when it comes to my product Sometimes to picky LOL. But now I am very happy with what I choose and I know what scents work with my wax and which ones don't. Hell sometimes I still try out new waxes to see If there better. Ahhhhhh the fun it never ends. :)

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I don't think taking one year to sell melts is long at all. It depends on your goals, how many FO's and waxes you want to test/mix/experiment with, how much time and money you have to develop and test your line, design your labels/packaging, get set up as a business, etc.

Exactly, but "in my opinion"..like I said, everyone does things differently :P

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I never worry about 'slapped' together products. These fly by night businesses tend to fold just as fast as they open. Quality is still a hallmark of what keeps a biz going. Repeat customers want quality and thats what you should focus on. The rest will fall into place.

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