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Is coconut oil the only oil that can be drying? I have made 6 batches of Goat's Milk HP and so far everyone of them leaves my skin feeling dry afterwards. I have read not to use too much coconut oil and I have used from 25% down to 15%. All have been super fatted at 7%. In the first few batches I used coconut oil, castor oil, lard and olive oil. Once I ran out of olive oil I started using sunflower oil in the remaining batches.

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Your recipe may be too cleansing which will strip out your natural oils. Maybe you could put your recipe here it would be easier to help you with it. How long are you letting them cure for. Even HP needs a cure time to mellow out. There is a big difference between a soap 1 week old and one 6 weeks old as far as not drying your skin, harder bar and more lather in my recipe.

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No I'm not new to homemade soap, just mine:) I have used CP/HP from others and have been using melt and pour a lot.

Here's the different recipes I have used all in 1 lb batches, since I don't want to make big batches of something I'm not going to like.

45% olive oil

25% lard

25% coconut oil

5% castor oil

30% olive oil

40% lard

25% coconut oil

5% castor oil

25% olive oil

40% lard

25% coconut oil

10% castor oil

25% sunflower oil

50% lard

20% coconut oil

5% castor oil

30% sunflower oil

50% lard

15% coconut oil

5% castor oil

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If I wait long 5 weeks is there any benefit to HP over CP then? I did them all in HP because I want to know if I'm going to like them now, not a month from now when I would have to start over and wait another month on my 2nd try and so on.

I switched to the sunflower because I ran out of of olive and had the sunflower here. I will get more olive and try a bigger batch. What dimensions would I want a box/mold for 3 lbs?

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The oils look fine to me. I really don't know any reason why they'd be drying.

For several years, I always did HP, but switched to CP when I realized the HP batches needed time to dry out (maybe even longer than CP had to cure, and CP seemed drier quicker). I didn't cure my CP very long. In a pinch, I would ship out soap (I had a business) after curing only a week. I do discount my water, however.

Have you tried adding your 7% superfat oil at trace, rather than putting it in with the other oils? That's how I've always done it, but I use 6% superfat. My soaps have always been less drying than store bought soaps.



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No I'm not new to homemade soap, just mine:) I have used CP/HP from others and have been using melt and pour a lot.

Here's the different recipes I have used all in 1 lb batches, since I don't want to make big batches of something I'm not going to like.

45% olive oil

25% lard

25% coconut oil

5% castor oil

30% olive oil

40% lard

25% coconut oil

5% castor oil

25% olive oil

40% lard

25% coconut oil

10% castor oil

25% sunflower oil

50% lard

20% coconut oil

5% castor oil

30% sunflower oil

50% lard

15% coconut oil

5% castor oil

I've used the first recipe many, many times in CP. But always waited 4-6 weeks before using. I superfat at 5-7%. Recipe always leaves my skin moisturized and water beads up on my skin when I rinse off the lather.

Some people just have a problem with coconut oil altogether. Try subbing it for palm or pko. Maybe you have an allergy to CO.

Also, try a goat milk soap for extra moisturizing and a good ph balance for your skin.

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