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Need ideas for renaming/mixing!


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Hello from italy everyone! Merry Christmas to all the friends on here!

I'm doing inventory of the FOs I have.

I discovered a bottle of NG Bay Rum, nobody likes it. I would try to rename it to make ppl think of something nice, but bay rum it's not a known scent here, and I don't know exactly the story and what it is (I've alwasy been compulsive in buying FOs).

Any suggestions for renaming it, or mixing with something else?

I also need some mixing ideas for cinnamon, nutmeg and red clove. I'm thinking to put them together and make a sort of "spice market" but if any of you has a better idea I'm all ears!

Thanks in advance !

santa wink

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Here's some information about Bay Rum, maybe it will give you ideas for renaming or things to mix with it:

"Bay rum is the name of a cologne/aftershave lotion. Other uses include as under-arm deodorant and as a fragrance for shaving soap, as well as a general astringent.

It is a distillate that was originally made in Saint Thomas "and probably other West Indian islands"[2] from rum and the leaves and/or berries of the West Indian bay tree, Pimenta racemosa.[3] Other ingredients may be citrus and spice oils, the most common being lime oil, oil of cloves[4] and cinnamon. It was first made fashionable in New York[5] and other American cities before it was available in Europe.[6][7]

Proprietary bay rum lotions are produced by labs in several West Indian republics, as well as American and European fragrance companies.

The bay laurel, the "bay leaves" in common culinary use, are from a completely unrelated species, Laurus nobilis, and not the West Indian bay tree. Bay laurel can be used to produce a similar, although not identical, product."

"This Rexall bay rum from the Prohibition era in the United States was labeled "for external use only," but with 58% grain alcohol it was often used as a legal means to obtain alcohol for drinking.[1]"

Maybe you can mix more citrus into it and call it "Pirate Cologne."


Edited by HorsescentS
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Mix it with wintergreen and grapefruit for a crisp old fashion "barbershop" type smell.

Those two fragrances are also the main notes used in Little Tree's "Black Ice" car freshener scent.

They should smell really good paired with the Bay Rum. If not grapefruit, try bergamot it's always a winner too.

What about mixing it with clary sage and your best ocean fragrance for a "Sunken Treasure" marine fragrance? That might be nice.

Tobacco and Bay rum is also a good blend.

For spice market try SOS's curry and mexican spice. Kitchen Spice is a good launch point as well. Any of those paired with Sandalwood would be nice.

Edited by rctfavr3
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What all do you have to mix with it. See I would go along the lines of oakmoss, amber, sandalwood with a splash of citrus, but the citrus could burn to a fuel smell if too much is used. I think the oakmoss would deepen the fragrance, amber would revive it a little, give it more of a sexy punch and sandalwood would probably just relax it a little so to speak so I would probably want to add something else to it ... except I don't what you've got.

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Hey thanks so much!! No sandalwood, or oakmoss or grapefruit here.. I'm still deciding if I'll be buying FOs in the US or if I should go with something local. But I'll go through all the bottles I have and see if there's something along those lines you all gave me!

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