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My first craft fair


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Hello everyone, I finally did my first fair!

Cold was deadly.. Not many people, but in the end I made 250x my booth. It was free LOL!

I was there with a friend of mine, I decided to start with her but we are not so close so in the end I spent for gas travelling twice from home to fair.

15-16 and 22-23 december I booked for another fair this should be bigger , with fireworks and many other funny things so I hope I will do well.

Problem is (well not a really big problem) I sold 20 pillars this evening to a friend so I dont know if I can make some more to fill my table.

Here are two pics.

Thanks for looking!!



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Congratulations! Most important question - Did you enjoy yourself and have fun? Does not look like you had very much on the top of the table. Did you have more products underneath the table to put on the table as you sold the items?

Too bad I couldn't read your poster - but I know absolutely no Italian. Good luck on the future fairs.

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Thanks Judy! My table was not too full, I asked to my friend what she thought about it, she said it was ok so I let it that way. I had replacement for almost everything under the table.

Every suggestions is welcome! I am in a very busy period I have my husband at home after a motorcycle accident, so I can barely make the necessary. I didn't think a lot to decorations, signs and other things to spice up the table.

I didn't have so much fun because it was really cold.. and not so many people stopped by, so I didn't talk that much.

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Could I recommend that you put out maybe 2 or 3 of each item? If you have more people at the next fair and one person has picked up the one you put on the table - then no one else can see or smell it. I personally keep 3 out and restock the table as items sell. Hope that helps.

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Thank everyone for your comments!

That show was free, the next are already booked and paid... and I don't have time to make candles, two friends of mine bought at the same time 17 pillars LOL I'm wondering what I can I do in three days... for saturday I'd have to set up the table.

I'd like to have a colored cloth to put on the table it seems to me that the white cloth "kills" the items. But organization told me to use white cloth. AHHH too many things to think of and no time! Because I also have to run my motorcycle garment shop!!!

Uhm yes it was cold, we were at 23F!!

Edited by cybersix
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Congrats on your first craft show! Its nice to get that first one done so you can analyze what you need for the next one.

Personally I would load up my table. I sell a boat load of candles and soaps by having a "full" looking table as opposed to just setting out samples. I set out several of each until my table is so full you can't put anything more on it.

Your set up looks nice but lacks color to draw the eye. More candles or a tablecloth other than white will do the trick. For this time of year use holiday colors; reds, greens, golds, etc.

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Hello again, I did another show past weekend. Table was almost full, butI sold very few candles. I sold a lot of firestarters, air fresheners, some gift bags I made with a burner, tealight, and a clamshell ( a starter kit lol). Tall pillars are still unsold.

I didn't have the time to take a pic.

Someone stole a gift bag frmo my table and some bracelets from my friend's table.

Anyway I made 6x the booth fee.

I already had a lady calling me after buying two candles asking me if I had something ready, so she came to my home yesterday and bought 5 tumblers.

I booked for another one for this upcoming weekend but I don't think I'll go, cold is tremendous, show is about 35 miles from where I live, my husband can't drive, his mom will be recovered in hospital, his daughter is going to stay with us for the weekend.., my shop should be opened for the latest christmas gifts...too many things to put together.

I don't know how people can stand all that cold. there was a lot of humidity too!

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During this time of the year I only do indoor shows and fairs. Maybe you could find some of them to do next year. Hope all goes well for your mother-in-law and speedy recovery to your husband. It does sound like a very busy season for you! Merry Christmas.

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