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So, why would smells burn out quickly?


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Why do some FOs lose their scent so quick? My last few have been really good CT, even amazing HT but only last 3-4 hours on a candlewarmers warmer. I'm puzzled.

I'm testing a new batch of Amish harvest which was a winner previously, so we will see if it's just since I got the presto. I'm heating, adding at the same temp...I dunno. I'm stumped!

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Guest OldGlory

Maybe your nose is tricking you and it really does smell good for a lot longer. Have someone else test for you - someone who doesn't work with fragrances all day.

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Now that I have some more time to post, one less whiney baby and a real computer, I came back! :P

I have had tons of testers. The ones that get back to me (GRR, the ones that haven't!) have had some that burn for a couple days. I've had a few recently (Pumpkin Caramel Latte from Peak, Winter Snowberry, I think it's called, also from Peak. Monkey Farts didn't last too long in my house, haven't heard back from testers. Even homemade apple pie, from AE I think, seemed to taper off after a few hours. Although I haven't heard back on this one either).

I'm wondering if I'm doing something different now. I have my presto pot (without spigot). I heat to the same temp, ladle into my pot and stir in FO immediately. I heat to 185, typically.

I wonder if I can market these to those who have short attention spans? LOL!!!

I'm burning my tried and true Amish harvest right now, calculating the time and am going to burn my new batch made with the presto tomorrow to see how it compares.

I might have to start wearing a nose plug while pouring.

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I'm wondering if I'm doing something different now. I have my presto pot (without spigot). I heat to the same temp, ladle into my pot and stir in FO immediately. I heat to 185, typically.

My nose had been missing scents totally so I brought down a small container of coffee grounds and smell them off and on throughout a day when I'm testing. It does seem to help.

The other thing I wonder is if your temp is dropping between the Presto and getting the wax ladled into the pour pot where the FO is? When I'm ladeling I heat my wax up to 190-200 due to the transfer of the wax only because I found some bakery scents not mixing at my normal Presto temp of 185.

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I'll try heating to 200. I get scared to heat that high, lol! I feel like the wax will burst into flames or something! LOL

First couple times I did it, I was too! Maybe go 190-195? Don't know if that's the problem but thought I'd toss it out there.

GL and keep us posted if you would.

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I always heat to 200*(never had a problem)... then by the tme I add color and fo it is just right...I also temper my wax...Bring it to a high temp like 200* and let it cool completely before using..it seems to help with nicer tops..I use C3(at the moment) been testing some paraffn for blending and some palm..anyhow..I also stir the fo for at least 2 minutes...that helps bind the fo with the wax hence a better HT. Good Luck! What kind of wax do you use?

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Is your pour pot (or whatever you ladle into) also warmed?

Mine is not. Does that help? I've heard heating the FO helps as well. Think I may even have done that a time or two along the way.

ETA: I have no clue why I did not continue heating it tho'.

Edited by jeanie353
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Can't really add anything that everyone else didn't cover already.

Just make sure you get your wax hot enough in the original container that when you put it in your pour pot to mix the fo in, that it doesn't drop the temp too fast too soon.

Bakery scents for me are a booger sometimes, to mix ( stir stir stir stir , pant pant , stir stir stir stir )

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